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Unknown's tales
So this last week Peace Jam was in my town. It's a yearly event that brings Nobel peace prize winners to the out to the youth. They build a activity for the studants, based on who what nobel person has done. This week has been about women's right. Not just in America but places like Iran to.
So far I've seen a discussions on the differences between islam the religon and the cultures that have formed around. It was very intresting to note that plenty of room in the Koran for women to have rights. The main complate has the expsoer to Western culture had changed the islamic soccity's cultuer. So the some of our religions, things have been completely distorted.
on another day saw the movie Percepoles. It was a coming of age story of an Iranian women. Told during the time during there Revolution. It brought up questions of identity, both a forced cultural and self discovery.I was so moved by the whole film that spent most of the night writing a poem about it.
The next night I was at conference with a group of poets. After the talk an female Iranian judge, we become part of the the nights entertainment. It was an open mike mike of four adults and four other kids. It was very beutiful, then there was danceing.
There were four stuandants of abrabian that preformed and try to teach us how to dance. I tried to learn some of moves, but the crowd was way to loud for me to hear. Made a few attempts, but decided to call it shortly after.
All in All it was a good week and I slept well after that.
Unknown - 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
Today has been evening out with good luck and bad luck. The bad luck coming from the fact that I have a bad habit of losing stuff. I lost the power cord to my computer. I think at a coffee shop and no one can find it in there. So After looking for I while I had to order it over the Internet. Neither the price or the shipping and handling was expensive.
Latter that day I spent window shopping at the mall. I tried a meditative thought, while I was walking. I tend to meditate a lot and put quot a few metaphor in and perspectives in my mental states. Today I was just thinking about attracting attention. Instead of forcing my attention out into the world, I decided think of pulling things like a magnet. Perhaps even I few women.
I admit, this is kind of cheese, and eventually I decided to just attract company. Nothing was really happening, aside from feeling a good dose of endorphin hitting my body. It almost seems that trying to be the center of attention was making me more cheerful than paying attention to anything else. I went shopping in other parts in town and found that everything was going more smoothly. I talk to the Barn-n-Nobel movie guy latter found a cheap card reader so I look up the stuff my computer.
When I went home on the bus all the kids from the mall filled every seat but mean. After a few moments a women that worked at Pizza Hut sat by. For the rest of the trip we talked shop on part timesalary's and what not.
I totally enjoyed the experience of the whole afternoon. It took some presser off the last few days and I mange to solve few technical problems in the process. Plus I think I have learned to build ego, which was severely laking for sometime.

Talk with you all again some time.
Unknown - 16 years, 9 months, 20 days ago
Note whether I for against this topic dosen't realy matter, this tale is just to point out a fact.

A writing group usually has some intresting and passionet discussions, was about abortaion. As usual everyone had there own opinions on it. From those opinion there different and confusing, dictation of what the laws, were of when it was legal.
I thought this was a good time to look it up on wikipedia. when I typed in some keywords I didn't find any info on it. This seems rediculess to me. I can find stuff about drugs and herbs to see weather not they could kill me. Yet I find nothing on a sensitive issue that has been debated about for decades.
I could lookup an herb or minueral on the marked, and all the studies that have been done with. I could find the pros cons of anything I could use in my daily life. Yet I couldn't find any fact or study for abortaion. And all I was doing was trying to settle argument.
I think that issues like this should be public knowlege. Even if we just have list of the studies down over the years, or even just the veiw points each side would take on this issue. At very least we would all be informed of what we are getting are selfs into, when we deal with such things socaily and physically.

Again this a note of an odd thing I found on wikipedia. Not a debate on for or against the issue I was searching.If you find this tale, think about this on your own time and bords. And whatever you figerout on your own, I hope to hear on some of your own tales.

write to you all latter.
Unknown - 16 years, 9 months, 20 days ago
A hardware nightmare

Ok Today I am going over the evil stupidity of business. I spent a good hour, setting up a new printer. It had fax machine, scanner and copier with. After I put everything together, I found one piece missing. It a Usb cable only made by them.
When I checked the manual it said that may be sold sepreatly. I looked for other options. There was no Wi-fi, all the card slots were made for photos. I checked there website for prices of a USB cable. $21, plus standard shipping and handling. It would take a week and anything faster was redically priced.
I've seen this happen with cell phones, but printers. When I am pretty going to wast a poor mans fortune on just a computer excesser. I realy don't need that kind of BS.

Stay tunned for part 2
Unknown - 16 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
There are some werid dreams to be had. Especially when I have a a.m radio on. As my rem mind heard the word animal control, I saw a giant python move past me, in old front yard. I tried to shoot it with a rifral and missed. What I thought were tranquilizer darts, turned out to fishing bobers.
Then the scean happened again. This time it was across the street. I could easily see that the snak was two cars long. This thing moved just as fast. As I was waiting for another I randomly shot fishing bobers out into the street. After about for shots I realiesed I did know how to shoot, but no clue how to reload. My dream ended as I was looking at the gun.
Unknown - 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago


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M A Y M A Y GoodBye HP - 16 years, 9 months, 5 days ago
Jennifer Tulett

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Jennifer Tulett "J.T." Lonely - 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
Jennifer Tulett

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Jennifer Tulett "J.T." Lonely - 16 years, 9 months, 17 days ago
Jennifer Tulett
I thumbed all your tales. Thanks again for winning the auction.
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Jennifer Tulett "J.T." Lonely - 16 years, 9 months, 18 days ago
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