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Unknown's tales
最近,我朋友的姐姐因患血癌而去世了。他们一家人都很难过。这件事发生的太突然了,让人措手不及。我希望他们一家人能靠着主耶稣的大能而在这件事上得胜有余。我也希望喜乐与平安能降临在他们一家人的身上。 经过这件事,我突然领悟到生命真的很可贵。能够继续活着,真的很感恩了。真的要珍惜你身边的人,不要等到失去了才后悔。善待人永不嫌太早,但可能会太迟。不要因为一些小事而恨你身边的人。会让你因为一些小事而恨他或她的人,一定在你的心中有很重要的地位。爱就要趁现在。我也曾经因为一些小事而生气过别人,现在才发觉自己真的好笨。能够继续活下来的日子其实并不多,为什么要让自己一直处在不开心的状态呢? 不想再去管你的事了,因为你已经大了。 只是,记得要为自己的行为负责。我能做的也只是默默的帮你祷告了。生命的可贵在于它的短暂。记得要珍惜自己的生命。 我知道我的朋友和她的一家人现在很难受,我祈求天父一直的与她们同在,亲自的擦拭他们的眼泪,陪他们度过这个难熬的时刻。如此的祷告乃是逢着我主耶稣得胜之名祈求。Amen。
Unknown Emo
- 16 years, 6 months ago
最近,我的朋友的姐姐被怀疑患了癌症。 希望这不是真的。原来,生命是无常的, 可它却是可贵的。 珍惜你身边的人吧,不要等到失去了才后悔。如果有一天, 你永远的失去他时,这一切已经来不及了。 如果你还在恨一个人,请原谅他吧。因为往往伤害你最深的人,不是别人,而是是你最爱的人。爱是恒久忍耐。现在就告诉他你已经原谅他了吧。愿我的朋友的姐姐平安无事。上帝祝福她。
Unknown Emo
- 16 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
huu...just bac from a camp...try to motivate myself.....learn a lot in da camp..n noe a lot about Mas.....so surprise tat Mas is dis kind of person...but CJ more surprise than me..i think so.. CJ.....don be sad...e.j. will always support u=) let us leh wa together=)
Unknown Emo
- 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
huu...just bac from a camp...try to motivate myself.....learn a lot in da camp..n noe a lot about Mas.....so surprise tat Mas is dis kind of person...but CJ more surprise than me..i think so.. CJ.....don be sad...e.j. will always support u=) let us leh wa together=)
Unknown Emo
- 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
Yeah... She reli love him…I think so, but her love seems like din brought any feedback for her.. she is sad, depress.. everytym when she think about the guy, she is so stress, stress until feel like want to vomit and stomach-ache. But she still choose to wait for him… she is no mood to do anything. She is loss herself…she has tried to let him go for many and many tyms…but it seems like useless…..she try to forget about him and start her new life…..but it seems like do not work at all…..finally she choose to stop doin anything, just let all da things happen and stop by itself…our life wont stop when we are stop….her life still goin on and on…but she is happy of it…sometyms when we try to force ourselves to do something, it will make the things become more badly…just stop and seek for god. U nid to take a rest…now she realizes tat she is almost loss da feeling of da guy. Condisable=) it will be a gud lesson for her… sunflower nid to seek for sunshine to alive, we also nid to always seek for god like wat da sunflower do .becoz god is da only light for all of us. Her story will be continuous as her life goin on. She is wondering wat will happen on her life…but she noe tat anything are already in god’s plan. she wont blaming the guy..becoz she noe tat it is not his fault…nobody should be blamed in dis story….anything happen in dis story are used to be make the girl to become more mature. The girl should be feeling thankful of it.
Unknown Emo
- 16 years, 8 months, 20 days ago
nicely food=)
come come come..the price is cheaper than others.
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