Suicide---- (poem)
mommy, when i went to school today
the kids all laughed and stared..
they made fun of my clothes mommy,
and the way i wore my hair.
i asked them if they would stop mommy,
i begged and pleaded and cried
but it only made them laugh harder mommy
it was tearing me up inside....
I tried to anwers a question in math mommy
but i got it wrong..
they told me i was stupid mommy
they told me that i was dumb..
why is this happening to me mommy?
did i do something bad?
why do they treat me like this mommy?
why am i always so sad?
why cant they understand mommy
that i have feeling too..
why do they abuse me mommy ?
why do they think its cool?
i cant take it anymore mommy
its gone on way to long
they treat me like im different mommy
they say i dont belong..
the pills are in my pocket mommy.
i wonder if this will work
i hope i die quickly mommy
i hope it doesnt hurt
please dont feel guilty mommy
tell daddy that its not his fault
please tell my big sister mommy
that she helped me out alot
im sorry i must go now mommy
ive taken the pills
im starting to get dizzy mommy
im starting to get ill
please pray for me mommy
pray that the angels will take me away
please ask God a favor mommy
that with him i always will stay
ill miss u alot mommy
ill miss dad and my sister too
i want all of you to know mommy
that im sorry and i love you
Unknown "sexy jess" Naughty
- 17 years, 17 days ago