MY TAILS ( Life 4 ) OMG - A Bunny ( kitten ) Boiler !!!!
Did I escape from Ooh-La-La France - NO - I got kicked out of the country and my value down to zero again ! ! lol.
The French chef - my owner turned out to really be English with no sense of humour and such a pissy temperament ! !
He thought he was all that with his dashing good looks and Adonis body - Yeah rite - he wishes,he was ageing fast and past it ! !
The lady diners humoured him with their attention, he was afterall the butt of many of their jokes and private chats ! !
I wasn't like my mother to sit on anyones lap - I was choosy and kept standards.... and told him he was not getting any of this Welsh Pussys Exclusive love.....
So I got thrown out for insolense - but it was worth it ....because I was....
BACK IN WALES - hurray - " The Land of my Fathers " - not that I have ever met him , my mother was a right Pussy Galore with all the neigbourhood toms showing her the love ! but who cares she didn't .... lol
I have been taken deep into the valleys - literally I hope ! ;-)
Made some new friends, since being here and one is very intriguing , an artist and a free spirit a bit like myself BUT....
1 problem not a partner his owner - she has become green with envy - like the wicked Witch of the North but with pink hair,blue hair,red hair .... changing like the weather....
She doesnt like her pets to have friends and has lashed me with her tongue several times , a whip or paddle would be nice ;-) but a womans tongue - it's not for me .... lol.
Although stix and stones may break my bones , names will never hurt me ....
So what did the Witch do - she bought me and took me to London and not to see the Queen ! !
So I had revenge on her and pee'd on her bed .... pmsl .... literally
OMG she had the biggest stewing pot that I ever did see and I was to be todays lunch ....
She was a " Bunny Boiler " and it didn't make any difference that I was a cat ! !
She was fuming when she saw what I had done - I had made matters worse but what was there to lose ?
My bloody tail - thats what ! !
She wanted to cut my prized beautiful fluffy tail off to hang as a trophy and chased me round the house with a carving knife.
OH FUCK - she thinks I'm 1 of the 3 Blind Mice now ! ! ! !
Unknown "soggy moggy" Sad
- 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago