Mad Panda Man
"Smelly Bum"Growling
- 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
I need to vent! You know what I hate? Stupid people! I'm sick to death of dealing with people who have no common sense. There's a website I go to and I swear if I see one more post that says "My boyfriend treats me bad" I'm going to lose it. LEAVE him! These women getting pregnant to loser men who take drugs! Don't have sex with losers and you won't need to worry about him getting clean before your baby's birth! FARQ! Are you people that stupid to sit there and complain about things wrong with your life! Seriously, change it!!!! If I hear one more stupid person whinging about their pathetic life I'm going to lose it! Boo hoo people!
"Splodge Pants"Purring
- 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago