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"Miss Murder"
"MY King Joe"
150858 pts
"best artist ever"
12649 pts
50 pts
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Unknown's tales
Near death experience? no, seriously. The other day I was driving home. Pretty standard. but i was tired. i've done it before. no big deal. only i guess i really did fall asleep at one point. i ended up driving off a 20 ft enbankment. the car rolled a few times, i think, and landed upside down. roof smashed in, windshield smashed out. i remember seeing a lot of broken glass, and feeling something warm under me, so i undid my seatbelt. there was a space open...the top part of the drivers side door somehow bent out, and i crawled out. i should not have survived that crash, and i walked away with only some minor scratches and bruises. i'm not lying, exaggerating, or speaking in metaphor or theory. this actually happened. if i get my hands on the picture of my car, i'll see if i can upload it. i should be dead right now, and i didn't even need stitches anywhere. it's something to think about.
Unknown "Miss Murder" Inspired
- 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago
I'm not lame!! ok...maybe I am a little... http://apps.facebook.com/pokemontrainer/train.php?uid=1064190109 gopetmypokemon. yeah that's right.
Unknown "Miss Murder" Inspired
- 16 years, 9 months, 28 days ago
It's been a very, very long time since i've written anything substantial, and this was semi-forced, so...it's not very good. but i have to get back into writing...i've lost a great deal of myself, and i need it back. so welcome my first emo poem in a long, long time...don't laugh too hard. I used to be a poet -- my name is Emily. I have no tongue I have no heart. This is lonely. Ana is waiting, We've gone rusty. Remember how things were, don't cry. Do you belive me when I tell you who I was, who I'm not anymore-- They've all run away, Except for a few. It's all missing, I am hollow, I mean nothing This isn't what it should be. Run Away Girl, who do you Think of who you were, They're gone, And so are you. It's just beauty now, I'll admit I don't know, I receive, but I no longer have Anything To give --it's all about me, I didn't mean it, I loved them. i'm not sure whether i think this is decent or totally hate it...again, it's been a while. words don't flow the way they used to. i have changed for the worse since then.
Unknown "Miss Murder" Inspired
- 16 years, 11 months, 10 days ago
if you or someone you know goes to worcester polytechnic, let me know.... Liam and Me and Yellowcard are coming to play there, and i want to go.....but i need to get tickets, so....yeah....help me out, anyone?
Unknown "Miss Murder" Inspired
- 17 years, 12 days ago
check out www.ashesandsnow.org it is without a doubt the most phenomenal art exhibit i have ever come across....honestly, these are the most beautiful pictures i've ever seen, and the people and animals involved are simply stunning. if you appreciate art at all, you have to look into it...i guarantee you will enjoy it. i find it as moving now as i did when i first saw it 2 years ago.
Unknown "Miss Murder" Inspired
- 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
Through the Looking Glass
Little bits of a lot of fun stuff :)
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