Hey out there in facebook cyberland. It's been more than awhile, I know... but... I do what I must, and sometimes that's really more than I can. Still stuck in the wonder woman with alzhimers frame of mind. I think I can do everything, forget half the things I need to get done, and manage to pull things out of the clear blue sky in just the nick of time just to fall rite back into another crisis. On the other hand, I am finally comming to terms with all that I can be if I could just stop shaking in my boots long enough. OH!, speaking of boots?!, guess who finally bought herself some balls when she baught herself a pair of monkey boots? I have been talking for years about how I wanted a pair of boots, but I was afraid it would make my calves look like... well hams. I was real proud of myself for putting them on too. They fucking fit... and as per my usual... eat your heat out, I got them for a buck. Well, kinda hard for me to say anything here when I'm not sure who I am even typing to anymore, so I am going to let you go. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and maybe catch up on me.
Love yas! Symphony Unknown"Symphony"Sleepy
- 16 years, 8 months, 28 days ago
Well lovies, in my in between time at work I have created and launched my site again, though it is still very much so in it's infancy. If you like my poems, then this is the place to read more. www.symphonysnightsongs. com Unknown"Symphony"Sleepy
- 16 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
Times have been more hard than most people will ever know or dare to compreheand... but thru it all I still have my friends. Here is a song I found that just profoundly speaks what I feel sometimes.
- 16 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
Well, I would preffer to be posting another one of my poems here, but I feel that I owe a few of you an explanation to my long absence. One can never know the true extent of the lives we live on the other side of our monitors and screens unless we know a person in real life, but there in lies the comfort, sacurity, and often frustration of the net. I personally am going thru a very hard time. I, and my most dear and prescious, have been a victim of a viloent crime that has taken seven long years to see some form of justice. Though what justice it is to have to drag us all into a courtroom and describe all of the horrible things that have befallen us because of this one mans action is dredging it all back up again and just gouging some wounds deeper. In any case, I am broke atm because I have had to make some sacrifices to work around the aspects of this situation, and to make matters more of a pain in my toockus the power supply to my pc went out. Unknown"Symphony"Sleepy
- 17 years ago
I'm so fucking hopeless! When will my heart ever learn? I still have this... consuming need to believe that love is still out there... somewhere waiting to find me. It's crazy, I post all of this deep dark stuff from the pain filled days of my previous exsistance, and in my mind there is this little seed of hope growing.
Oh well! Never know, maybe it really will happen. Better to dream than to die! Unknown"Symphony"Sleepy
- 17 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
Follow me to the darkest pit I've been drowning in...surrounded by the hopes of life and plagued by the things therein. Welcome to my little hell, my little piece of insanity. After all isn't it true? Life's most tragic parts are those interrupted by sanity? Run free in the darkness, run rampant in the void, and scream to one's own content! For when it's over we'll look around and find our fits unheard. Tis a shame we are led to believe that life should be so bright with color. The world is black, no other shade, and that my friend is that.
Hugs and kisses doll. Miss you.
"Divine Sin"Abused
- 16 years, 3 months, 15 days ago