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It has been theorized that a woman decided within five minutes of meeting a man whether or not she will have sex with him. Possibly true, but there is one catch. Most women I know, myself included, may initially decide we'll have sex with a guy, but when we find out he's a bad or a mediocre kisser, we change our minds entirely. We decide we will never have sex with this guy. He won't even get asked for a nightcap, much less for breakfast the next morning. As our lips part while we stand on the doorstep, we will announce that we have an early-morning meeting or (if you were really awful) that we're actually already married to someone else.
Unknown "Bondgirl" Intrigued - 17 years, 28 days ago
What we will never, ever say is, "God, you're a lousy kisser. I was going to have sex with you until just this moment." This is one of the ways in which men and women differ. If a man is very attracted to a woman but discovers she's a bad or mediocre kisser, he'll probably have sex with her anyway if presented with the opportunity. A woman can't get past a bad kiss. (Unless, of course, she's a horrible kisser herself, but we're not talking about those women here.) Experience has shown most women that a bad kiss only spells trouble down the road, so to speak. After all, if he hasn't mastered kissing and fails to see its sensual possibilities, what hope is there for, ahem, anything else?
Unknown "Bondgirl" Intrigued - 17 years, 28 days ago
The disappointment of a bad kiss is a recurring topic of discussion among a group of single women I run with in the park several times a week. "It tuens into a fabric softener thing," says Nora, a blond from Dallas, when describing the previous night's date. "You know, where the guy kisses you and it's so bad but you've got to finish it up so your mind wanders and you start wondering if you have enough fabric softener to do two loads of laundry the next day?" She laughs. "So I'm thinking about that, and the guy says, "Wow! You're very passionate."
Unknown "Bondgirl" Intrigued - 17 years, 28 days ago
Oh, the egos we would crush if men could hear the post-mortems. If any guys happen to be running with us, they immediately demand to know what exactly constitutes a bad or good kisser. So we tell them about the all-purpose litmus test: A bad kisser, reguardless of whether he likes to secrete a gallon of drool or waggle his head like a dog menacing a bone, seems to be simultaneously thinking: " When can we get to step two? And three and four? Is she aroused yet? can I put my hand on her breast now?" He sees kissing as the next step on a carnal quest. The good kisser, however, sees the kiss as the destination itself. He kisses as if he will never do anything else with this woman, as if he never wants to do anything else with this woman. He kisses as if this is what he's been dying to do for years and he wants to savor every moment. I guarentee you that this is when the woman decides there will be other activities on the agenda.
Unknown "Bondgirl" Intrigued - 17 years, 28 days ago
The first thing to remember: When in Doubt, Go Slowly. make that first kiss slow and gentle and easy. While you may want to demonstrate that you're a cauldron of seething desire, save that for later, when you're both sufficiently warmed up. In the meantime, resist the urge to mash your face against hers so hard your teeth collide and she ends up with brush burns from your stubble. One woman in our running group actually passed out during a particularly bad kiss of this sort, when the man pressed his face to hers so tightly he blocked off her nose with his cheek, mistook her thrshing for passion, and suddenly felt her body go limp. "i was out for maybe thrity seconds," she says. "Fortunately, he had me in a bear hug, so I didn't hit the group. Of course, he thought I passed out because the kiss was so good." This is what's known as the Harrison Ford School of Making Out. Watch him in the movies,a nd watch his costar's face get twisted out of shape from the sheer force. this is also why they're panting afterward. It's not from desire, it's oxygen deprivation. So the second thing to remember while kissing is to make sure she can still breathe through her nose.
Unknown "Bondgirl" Intrigued - 17 years, 28 days ago
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hi there wow great pics im in the uk hows brazil cracking place would love to live there xx.
Unknown "Passionate" - 17 years, 3 days ago
Jari G
♫♫♫♫ I made special Auction in my profile, check it ♫♫♫♫........
Jari G "My sweetheart " Loyal - 17 years, 3 days ago
I Came And Shopped! Thanks!
Unknown "Kani★Kutie" Feisty - 17 years, 3 days ago

You have been given consider yourself thumbed.
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Unknown "Grandpa J" bored - 17 years, 3 days ago
Thumbed... ;-)

You have been given Red rose on water.
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Unknown "George" Adventurous - 17 years, 6 days ago
You have been given tit for tat.
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Unknown "Scrabbles" Wild - 17 years, 9 days ago
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you are my # 1
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you are my # 1
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three wishes
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three wishes
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tit for tat
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tit for tat
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Summertime love - boys boys boys
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Summertime love - boys boys boys
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a hug on my favorite pet :P
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a hug on my favorite pet :P
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my approval
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my approval
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a good spanking
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a good spanking
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an angel
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an angel
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sensual seduction
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sensual seduction
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a candy Kiss
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a candy Kiss
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some points
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some points
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Brazilian Samba
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Brazilian Samba
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pure passion
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pure passion
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