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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 80 points.



Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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"Big Dog"
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Unknown's tales

because i felt like it :)
Unknown "pet#1" Playful - 17 years, 10 days ago
Ok so driving home from work wednesday get smell of petrol, I'm one of those people that likes that smell, worrying i know but hey, so i figure what they hey probably the guy infronts exhaust has a hole in it.

20 minuets and a few miles later he turns off and i can still smell the petrol, uh oh it's me great this is gona cost some!

Finally get home and take a look, can't see squat, check it the next morning before i goto work, start the car up and heart jumps a mile, a huge spray of petrol is covering the whole engine from a tiny little hole in the fuel intake pipe...great! Doesn't help it's fking freezin either, lucky me I grab a lift from a m8 who i work with get into work ok.

A day absoltuly jam bloody packed with meetings and not a chance to phone anyone with any mechanical sence whatsoever i get another lift back home and make the decision to just drop me car off at the nearest garage.

So now it's Thursday morning....3am, what the hell am i doing up so early? worrying about weather or not i'll blow myself up driving this car to the garage, god what a dweeb but I have to get it fixed today or I'm screwed on friday and I really need to be able to drive on friday.

8am finally arrives and i feel like a crack whore gone cold turky. I take the plung, start the car, smell the petrol and do probably one of the most stupid thing's i've ever done in my life, i drive my car, a potential bomb (abiet a small one from all the petrol i've lost so far) down to the garage.

The look on the guy's face said it all, I gave him the key's and my number and got away as soon as i could, brass monkeys permitting....sodding weather.
Unknown "pet#1" Playful - 17 years, 24 days ago
Bristolian to English...

Bristolian: Wheres e to then?
English: Where is he/she?

Bristolian: Gert Lush innit
English: Thats very nice

Bristolian: E's pop'd down t' shops give our ma a hand
English: He's gone to the shops to help mother carry the shopping

Just a few of the intresting things you'll hear from a Bristolian :D
Unknown "pet#1" Playful - 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago

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thank you for the tunes....
Unknown "Wild Scot" Ferocious - 17 years, 19 days ago
well i know alot of people have this, but i want to get stars,starting at my hair line small working into large stars then back again to smalll stars at the base in a black or dark purple gradient.
Unknown "Wild Scot" Ferocious - 17 years, 23 days ago
thank you for the comment...well i have different ideas for different areas, just wanted to get peoples thinking back of my neck for the summer...
Unknown "Wild Scot" Ferocious - 17 years, 23 days ago
Unknown "2 Good 2 B Tru" Content - 17 years, 1 month ago
thumb addict? :p
Unknown "pet#1" Playful - 17 years, 1 month ago
Unknown "pet#1" Playful - 17 years, 1 month ago
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Jam's shop

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