The Dragon's Lair
Just my stories for the moment, although other stuff may come up in the future. Buy them and then send 'em to me, either on my page or in a message with your e-mail, please.
Note: The stories are both male/female sex, written in first person from the male's perspective.
For the custom story we'll have to chat a bit about what you want.
Also, I can write male/female stuff, and could probably manage some female/female although I'm not as good with that, but male/male is outta my league.
Naughty story: A little under 7 pages.
Loving story: A little over 4 pages of poetic style writing.
Loving story 2: Two and a half pages
Most recent customers:
♥A.W.E.S.O .M.E♥
868219 pts
Angela Carter
"~rest in peace~"
50000 pts