Once upon a time there was a magical kingdom called Friendship. Many people lived in this kingdom, and things were good.
Deep in the kingdom 2 lovely princesses lived in nearby castles, Princess Button and Princess Ribbon. The princesses met one sunny afternoon and became dear friends.... and since this was the kingdom of Friendship, all was good.
Princess Ribbon was in love with a handsome prince, Prince Ogar. Prince Ogar was from the Kingdom of Corn and he loved Princess Ribbon very much.
One day, a wicked witch cast an evil spell on Prince Ogar that caused him to turn from a prince into a toad. While wandering the forest as a toad Prince Ogar made many mistakes and did things that he was ashamed of. Many years later the spell was broken when Princess Ribbon found the toad and turned him back into Prince Ogar with a single kiss.
Prince Ogar was ashamed of his behaviour as a toad and he confessed his sins to his beloved Princess Ribbon. The princess was heart broken and fled deep into the kingdom to cry great tears of hurt and sadness.
Princess Button heard the sobs from way across the fields and followed them to her beloved friend Princess Ribbon. Many days went by as the devastated Princess Ribbon poured out her sadness, her lost dreams, her hopes and her fears into Princess Button's shoulder.
Princess Button was a few years older than Princess Ribbon, and as she took in her friends sorrow Button's heart grew as hard as a shield and she promised herself to protect her friend to her dying breathe. As the friends spoke over the next several days the healing powers of time began to work its magic. Soon Princess Ribbon was strong enough to go back to her castle and speak with Prince Ogar.
The Princesses did not know what would happen in the future, but their friendship was strong and as women will they bound their hearts together and vowed to live happy lives. Princess Ribbon and her beloved Prince Ogar tried to repair their broken hearts. At times things looked good, at other times it seemed the hurt would not go away.
One day an invitation went out to all the land. Freedom Day was coming and everyone would gather to celebrate in the Goodhandy Castle. The Princesses were excited and together with many other friends they planned to celebrate Freedom Day together. Prince Ogar agreed to let his beloved Princess Ribbon celebrate Freedom Day together with many of her Princess friends while he stayed at the castle.
The Princesses came together and with the help of their fairy Godmothers they dressed, and primped and planned a perfect evening of celebration. The Princesses danced and flirted and watched many merry entertainers throughout the Freedom Day celebrations. Sometime late in the evening the Princesses became separated.
Princess Button looked high and far for her friend Princess Ribbon, but Princess Ribbon was no where to be found. Another beautiful princess assured Princess Button that her friend was safe and was celebrating Freedom Day with loving friends.
The following morning the Princesses woke up and returned to their castles. Princess Button was combing her hair and smiling as she recalled her adventures of the night before. Suddenly a huge, hairy, evil toad jumped before the Princess.
The toad was disguised as a Prince, but Princess Button could see past the mask. Princess Button wasn't certain the Prince was evil, but she was cautious as the "Prince" began speaking to her.
"hello Princess, how was your evening last night?" the toad croaked.
"Fantastic" replied Princess Button as she tried to peer past the Prince-mask.
"What did you princesses do?" enquired the Toad.
The Princess was almost certain the inquisitioner was Prince Ogar turned back into a toad when she asked "Why do you ask?"
"Well, Princess Ribbon told me a bit" slithered the Toad, "but she was really drained when she came home and went to bed right away. I wasn't certain if she got any play in as I know she has been very stressed".
By know Princess Button was certain that she was talking to the evil Toad and that Prince Ogar was once again under an evil spell. Cautious to protect her friend by staying nuetral, Princess Button replied "in my opinion that's none of your business Mr. Toad"
The evil Toad had been discovered! He ripped the Prince-mask from his face and declared "A simple yes or now would have sufficed. If Princess Ribbon and I are to have this new start, there isn't supposed to be any dishonesty. We are living together. We are partners. Partners in crisis yes, but still partners"
"But that's between Princess Ribbon and Prince Ogar. My opinion is mine and neither of your questions asked for a yes or no answer. Besides, hasn't dishonesty been your problem Toad, not hers?" the princess declared.
The Toad was furious. "Ah, but so too is the collusion in a lie. I lied." admitted Toad. "I paid and am still paying a huge price. If she lies, then what? Is that payback... plus interest of all I'm going through? Or is a lie still a lie? Two wrongs don't make a right, and I think if it was a simple matter that nothing went on then you would have said so. It is a simple thing. No. Two letters. Yet here I am not entirely convinced. See, I know Princess Ribbon better then anyone and especially the after effects of playing. So for her to be SO tired at 8pm and needing sleep, then it is likely her body shutting down after an evening of play. So be it."
Since Princess Button hadn't seen Princess Ribbon since early in the Freedom Day celebrations she didn't know what had happened with Princess Ribbon. Suddenly Princess Button feared for Princess Ribbon - what had she done that night?
"LOL - Princess Ribbon has reason to question you, you do not have the right or reason to question her Toad. And, you have not nearly "paid" for your actions, again in my opinion. Eat your jealousy Toad, its a bitter meal but you haven't earned a sweeter one - again, my opinion" replied Princess Button.
Understanding that Prince Ogar had sinned and gravely hurt her friend while wandering the forest as a toad, Princess Button found her heart hardening to the evil toad. How dare he question Princess Ribbon? The beautiful princess had done nothing, in Princess Button's knowledge, to deserve this questioning from the evil toad. And, why was the toad back? Why wasn't Prince Ogar sitting at the Princesses feet and humbly asking these questions?
Princess Button was confused, but she knew for certain it wasn't her place to answer for her friend.
"It isn't at all hardto answer. You DO NOT deserve to have that question answered", hadn't the toad been hurting Princess Ribbon for years? "Therefore your answer is - choke on it."
The toad began breathing heavy, swelling in anger and growing larger and larger until he loomed over Princess Button. "I'll make this simple. Go f#ck yourself. High and mighty and yet??? Saturday night and Prince Eager makes things all better? Yes, I know the truth and I still love her. It will never, ever happen again. Nor will friendships with those that also lie, conspire to mislead me or provide cover. F#cking high and mighty morale stance you took and then helped her commit the exact same crime that hurt her so very badly. Saturday night has not only hurt me but herself as well. So, f#ck off and keep these precious opinions to yourself."
And with those few simple sentences Princess Button felt her heart break. Princess Button had once thought she was in love with Prince Eager, but realised that Prince Eager was unable to love just one Princess and so Button had put that small hope away and hidden it deep in her heart where no one could see it. So she would not be hurt. But here she was, listening to the evil toad confirm that her best friend in the world had been playing with her beloved Prince Eager.
Unknown "Jack's Pet" Ferocious
- 16 years, 11 months, 2 days ago