"Raw Materials"
On the Last Day, when I renounce all...
the great Stripping and Pealing day
I will strip down to the bone
in a most thorough way.
First, will go the hair, and nails-
what teeth I have remaining
will all go into one big pile
as my hours are waning.
Then, off with the meat and organs...
off with the gristle and fat!
I think, that most, would now agree
one cant get too much thinner than that.
But yet, there remains so much more
of which I must dispose...
off, will go my will to live,
and all that, for which I hoped.
If, after all of this, there should be anything left...
a void, perhaps, it is me.
I was something that was not here before-
and now, is here no more.
Unknown "Deleted Account"
- 16 years, 8 months, 14 days ago