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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown's tales
Ah, Sims will always, always make my day.. Even when I wake up only to realize my head still hurts, my eyes are itchy, my mouth feels dry. Even when I call to potential office for a job and they say I'm one day too late. Even when I'm said not to use computer but I use it anyway just because I've nothing else to do.
And now I can't stop laughing to my own inside jokes.. XD

Unknown - 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
This is it.
They're about to come out. I hear a man's voice, demanding and intense, calling to me. Yet I cannot answer. Instead They shout, use my voice to mock and spit to man's face. His words echo inside me. Strange, electric waves pulse through my body as I bend my spine and scream out my challenge. Their invitation.

His hands are upon my twisted face. His fingers are pressing the silvery item on my forehead, but I feel no pain. It feels annoying, nothing severe, but it amuses Them. My tongue twists and turns and speaks the language I don't recognize, words are an open threat to the man before me. I feel my bones breaking and joints tearing and painfully raise my head. My pitch-black eyes seek and catch him, and They speak.
"weאנ areחנוthe onesהאחwhoדים שdwellנשאinsideרים בתוך.."

Inside this room he is the only one who's not struck by horror. Those who held me, now release me, but my body doesn't move. Only the eyes, only the mouth. He raises his hand and I see the Cross.
"Tell me your name, wicked one. He who commands you is he who ordered you thrown down from the highest heaven into the depths of hell. In the name of our Lord, I now command you: Tell me your name!"

They scream until my eyes bleed. I smell and taste the iron of it, I can feel my tongue licking the blood from my face. The Cross is there. It's there to keep me here, to hold back Their power. I scratch my skin violently, for I am burning like a torch. My mouth is suddenly filled with blood, my eyes turn from black to white as the strongest of Them, the unholy Leader, speaks through my mouth.
"My name is Humanity, the source of all things Evil."

The insulting, unfamiliar laugh comes from me. They snarl and laugh with six different voices. The man raises the Cross to my face again, holds it so close that I feel the cool silver on my boiling skin. Like a wicked beast I growl to him before They leave me. My body breaks down, limb and useless and I fall back to my ignorant slumber - to wake again, someday, to this endless nightmare.
Unknown - 17 years, 2 days ago
Remove the wings of time,
so tomorrow will never come.
Even how to sleep, even how to breath,
make me forget,
even drops of rain - make me feel alive.

As if my dream is not gone,
the insecurity of every day - more powerful than the movement of stars,
stronger than love.

Our paradise is not the same
it's painfully different.
Day comes, night goes.
I'm standing still now, and running off with the stars again, soon.
I can't keep my promise.

Remove the wings of time,
so tomorrow will never come.

Before the day comes,
and the dreaming ends.
Unknown - 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago

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Sirian Black
Mitämitä? ootko poistamassa HP?
Sirian Black " I love YOU" - 16 years, 12 months ago
Hulluna tavaraa.. Yli kolme sivua.. O_O' Miksi ihmeessä poistat tän? :o
You were taken on a trip! You have been taken to London for fish-n-chips.
Unknown "Bunneh" Sleepy - 16 years, 12 months ago
Siispä, hyvästi jääköön HP. Sayonara, bye, sorono jne XD
You have been given Fairytale Ending.
Crafted by
Unknown - 16 years, 12 months ago
.. Ja lopulta!
You have been given a checkmate.
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Unknown - 16 years, 12 months ago
Uhrauduin asialle Täysin..
You have been given free fall with no harm.
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Unknown - 16 years, 12 months ago
Ja aloitin suuren Kapinan.
You have been given the Rebellion.
Crafted by
Unknown - 16 years, 12 months ago
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Unknown's shop
:: liquid skies ::


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