and so the days get closer....
maybe only one or two of you know...
which are laurette and possibly ant...
but for those who dont..
the day i lost my baby is getting closer and closer and im growing weaker and weaker.
april 24th 2008, i was only almost 9 weeks pregnant...
and i lost my baby.
it started at 11pm april the 23rd... i was bleeding worse then what i had been all day.
shortly after about ten till 12am....i started cramping...
however i thought it was normal to lightly thru the day i was fine.
i was rubbing my tummy and happy of what i was about to bring into the world.
but that night...
man that night i new something was wrong.
i asked everyone i could...
then i woke my mom up...
she explained i could of been having a threatened miscarrage...
i didnt want it to be true...
so off to the ER we went..
thank god its only right up the street..
i was hurting bad.
i never new cramping could be that bad.
we got to the ER and i had to wait...
i have a serious problem and i had to fucking wait...
oh sure when i ODed a few years ago they took me right in...
but im in pain bleeding everywhere and your telling me to wait...
well after waiting for 30 minutes.
i was seen..
they did a vaginal ultrasound and a tummy one..
BOTH showed NOTHING...
the whole room was quiet too just listening and waiting to hear that little heart...
i kept getting up and down trying to pee...
when i didnt...
it just felt like i did...
and the dr kept coming into the bath room asking if theres any "body parts" coming out.
i cryed and told her to get the fuck out.
i prayed....
i prayed so hard asking god not to take my baby away...
well what happen next was..
i got up and blood pored...
so i had to go lay down...
and i was given two vicodine for pain and a sanitary pad for bleeding...
got home around 4am..
i litterly looked chuck [my moms boyfriend] in his eyes and i said if i fall asleep come in and check on me to make sure i am still alive...
it was the drugs talking not me..
i didnt get to sleep till about 9am..
i dont remember the hours just laying there helpless...
but at 1pm exactly i got up...
and went pee...
what i saw just killed me...
like my heart litterly got a chunk taken out and flushed down the potty...
i saw there...laying in the sanitary pad...blood and my baby [which was in the sac btw]
i screamed and ran out side...
i was so distrought i did forget to pull up my pants but who cares!!!
my baby was in my hand
who would think to pull up there pants..
"wait right here baby while i pull my pants up and then run and scream"
yeah right...
but i ran outside to mom who was cutting grass...
she saw me...pantless....came over yellin but then asked me what was wrong and i showed her...
she sat me down [after she pulled my pants up]
and conforted me and so on...
then we talked and knowing me..i was curious..
i poked around...
once i hit that hard spot in the sac which was [........................................] that long.....
i died all over again...
it was my baby...
my baby died..
it was suppose to be born on december 6th 2008.
what i dont get is i was so ready for this.
i had things planned and stuff already bought...
i was just ready to be a mom...
but something took it away...
i just found out recently that crohn's disease...
when people have flare ups or inflamation...
it can effect pregnancys...
a low precentage but i was in the low precentage...
this is why i hate my body...
it takes away the happy things in life.
i thought to myself when it happened..
happy fucking birthday kaytee...
heres your early present...
a dead baby..
see what im upset with the most..
is i will never know if it was a boy or girl..
i would never know what the heartbeat sounds like...
i will never see the bight eyed baby on december 6th...
but rather it be a boy or girl...
i named it angel.
and you ask where was the dad thru all this...
sleeping...cuz work to him was much more important then the loss of his baby...
in other news thou...the two year anniversary of when i watched my grandma die is coming up...
feburary 27th 2009...gosh i miss her..
she was amazing...
but ill never forget holding her hand as she took her last breath....
everyone tells me to be happy and i cant.
to much phsycological shit has happen to me..
my mentality and emotions are screwed up all to hell..
ill never be that bright blue eyed girl who was so cheery..
i hope theres not tornado this year like last year...
after my baby died i simply said "could anything worse happen" guess what..
it did..
tornado days later..
on my birthday...
so lets see the checklist of things i got for my bday..
lost baby before the day...check..
tornado on the day...check..
i am glad for ppl who have great lives thou...
makes me happy to see others happy...
but why does the world crash on my shoulders..
i am to sweet of a kid to deal with this...
you see all these 15 year olds walking around not taking care of there kids
i had a heart full of love...
and i was ready...
all i was doing was waiting for that day..
but no.
someone whos actually ready for the big responsiblilty cant have one...
but a immature 15 year old only wanting to party or have a baby as a assessory can...
Unknown "Mai Sister" Nervous
- 16 years, 1 month, 3 days ago