.* +*.*.+.*.*.+.*.PhEnG Yi LiN Pr0dUcTs*.+.*.*.+.*.*.+.* Dear All, This is a story that suddely came to my mind....let me tell you the story... : One day,there was a spoiled little girl who thinks she deserves everything.On tests when she gets low marks she shouts to teacher saying she want a higher grade.Everyone was afraid of her,even her family.One day her whole family went shopping.the girl who was named Sulivia(that evil nasty girl who thinks she deserves everything).They bought some stuff unpeacefully and went back to the car.Her parents were driving when Sulivia suddenly shouted saying she wants the car to go faster so they did.then there was a lorry beside them unluckily for them there were lots of stakes there.then suddenly that old weak rope teared at rigt beside it was Sulivia's car.Then,her parents noticed it at pushed Sulivia out of the way.And those heavy stakes fell on top of her parents.Sulivia's face became more and more worried eery second she ran to her parents to see if their alive.Luckily,they are..but really close to death.Then,she cried for help.People heard her and helped her parents out and brought them to the hospital.They're really lucky to recover from their injuries.Sulivia doesn't want this to happen again so then she tried to change her ways.With hard work,she changed her nasty ways and became a really nice person. ~THE END~ ~.* +*.*.+.*.*.+.*.PhEnG Yi LiN Pr0dUcTs*.+.*.*.+.*.*.+.*~ From, Pheng Yi Lin
- 16 years, 6 months ago
.* +*.*.+.*.*.+.*.PhEnG Yi LiN Pr0dUcTs*.+.*.*.+.*.*.+.* Dear All, Please come to my shop :D.It is listed with tons of cute and pretty things,just what the girls like =D.Please come buy my things,welll...like support my shop or something.But PLEASE just check it out.It's full Of Cute and Pretty things.Please watch out for the sign that says: Name: .* +*.*.+*Cutey Store World.* +*.*.+* Desription: The cutest store any girl could wish for!CUTEY STORE WORLD!!!!! ~.* +*.*.+.*.*.+.*.PhEnG Yi LiN Pr0dUcTs*.+.*.*.+.*.*.+.*~ __________________________________________________ ______________________ Thx =D From, Pheng Yi Lin
- 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
.* +*.*.+.*.*.+.*.PhEnG Yi LiN Pr0dUcTs*.+.*.*.+.*.*.+.* Dear All, Alexandra came out of a fire alive, but now has to fight for her life and a normal future. She is 14 months old and she has burnt skin all over her body, damage facial bones (as a result of very high temperature). She does not have half of her face. She is in hospital in Krakow - Poland and one of the best specialist is looking after her. However she still has to go through many surgeries and then long rehab. Unfortunately her parents do not have any more money. Therefore we are asking for your help. For each forwarded email her parents will get 3 cents. Please help them and forward that email to as many people as you can! You can make a difference! From, Pheng Yi Lin
- 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago