Very Happily Married with one Son
We have been trying for another for ages (I don't mind the practise) - eww grose im sure you didnt want to hear that... but nothings been happening.
I love inspirational sayings and I use them to live by like: "You know you have a good friend when the going is tough and they keep pushing you forward" or "look to the stars even though you are sitting in the gutter" bla bla
My son is unbelievable! I will brag to anyone about him for hours and hours (ask any of my friends Im pretty sure they hate asking "hows Jay")
I work 3 days a week and the rest of the time we go out and have a mad time at the jumping castle or colouring in together or painting a little wooden sail boat etc
Love my sister even though she treats me bad
Keep loving my brother even though he's sad
I have a sexy hubby that makes you green-eyed
I have gotten fatter and my arse is extra extra wide
lame poem but mostely true
- 17 years, 12 days ago