As sure as I am that Wisconsin sucks, I probably shouldn't attempt to post a tale on such little sleep. Why you ask? Because I can be quite blunt, obnoxious, obscene, and basically not giving a fuck at times like this. I also easily offend when moments like this, "spring upon"....but, mostly I aim to offend. Old habits die hard..what can I say...
So, here goes another rant, vent, shit on my mind, bullshit, tale...that usually makes it's way into my Myspace blog. However, I seem to be too fucking lazy to log-in to my, Myspace at the this is going to suffice my need for putting some gibberish thoughts down into something called a "blog." They're nice, evidently, Facebook is spaztic, and doesn't seem to have such a thing......losers.
NIP/TUCK -- this is a show that should be on year round! I'm starting to go through withdrawals. So much so, that I drove by a Plastic Surgeons office the other day, and actually thought about stopping the fuck in! Eh, all I really needed to see was one person wearing some kind of gauze on their body. Where on their body didn't matter I just needed to see it....and I would've been good for, I don't know, a week or so. Of course that didn't happen....I was too big of a pussy. But, the more I think about it, the more I'll be able to talk myself into it. And, damn it, if it's not going to be hilarious as shit when I do!
DUCKS --- I saw a shit load of ducks swimming around in the Chippewa River this morning. Guess what my first thought was? Yup, plucking em' off one by one. I sense that I need to ahh, vent something out HEAVILY at the local "Rod & Gun", before something extreme happens......moving along.....
SINGLE & NOT LOOKING -- WTF does that mean to you? It sure the hell doesn't scream, "Please harass me till I give in to your creepy, yet, cheesy ploys to get a date with me", that much I can tell you! Unless I missed the re-re parade where they announced that single & not looking now means the opposite of what SINGLE & NOT LOOKING means....seriously, I can clear this up right now. If I say, "single & not looking", to really means -- NOT FUCKING INTERESTED, JOG ON! But, I try to be nice, apparently nice isn't working so hot......I'd be great if those I'm speaking of, read this and got the hint. Meh.... I'm not that lucky & I'm fairly sure they're not literate so the saga continues.
STATE TROOPERS -- I saw a few of these guys the other day, (which I just had this conversation with someone else this morning), but fuck they are tall!! I'm pretty sure that Wisconsin doesn't have a "height" requirement to be state police so what gives? Here's my thought, cow piss. Loads of cow piss! I think it's getting into the water supply system around here. I mean seriously, have you ever seen a cow pee, that's a lot of piss. These guys we're like mutant huge. I'm telling you, it's cow piss, that, or it's good ole' Wisconsin inbreeding. Which, the latter might be a great possibility, considering. I'm proud that both my parents come from separate states thank fuck! Plus, my family hails from NY, so I know I have nothing to worry about when it comes to family love in this place called, "Hell."
PETTY THIEVES & SHOPLIFTERS -- Come on people, steal something worth my time to write about for fuck sake! I've wrote one too many lame as reports on shit lately. It's crap. It takes a good hour writing up one report. Please, steal something worth my time to write about, so I feel really good about writing your fate for later. That, or I don't know....GET A FUCKING LIFE, MAYBE A JOB OR TWO! FUCK!!!
DRILL SGT. LATTIMORE -- I'm still bitter about the time when he stopped me from butting a guy in the head with my M-16. It's been quite a few years since that happened, but it still bothers me. He should have just let me do it. I know he wanted to let me do it, but I think there was too many witnesses standing around.......that, or he wanted to nail the guy for himself later. LMAO -- knowing him, that's probably what he did at the end of the day. Walking away with that visual, just makes me smile with warm fuzzies. :)
Hmmm...I sense I may have said too much in my so called, "tale" that I should end on a good note, rather than a bad one. I'm sure I'll think of more crazy shit as the day passes, and I get even less fucking sleep. Insomnia, it's a bitch, but all the cool kids seem to have it. That makes me happy. :D
Unknown "Daniella" Content
- 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago