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"sweet cheeks"

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Unknown's tales
My trip to prospect rock Episode two (if anyone is actually reading this!)

So I packed up my lunch and stood up and strectched my arms to the sky. Just then a gust of wind hit me so hard that I almost fell over! Then I picked up my pack and post holed off to the sout east part of the crag where I had heard there was an easy climb that was almost 130 feet; the highest face a prospect. I pulled out my cell and tried to call my girl friend at work but just as I got an answser the phone died. So now I realised that no one knew I was there and that if I hurt myself I would have to get out on my own. Oh well. I went to the cliff's edge and looked down. To my very slight dissapointment there was a small stream of water running all the way down the route. Oh well. To my greater dissapointment there were formations of ice candles that were about to fal right at the top of the climb... oh well. So I set up my anchor and rapelled off the edge of the cliff. My mind fell into that zone where I know I have to focus because I'm one step away from real danger. As I neared the base of the climb I could see that it was snow covered so I stopped descending about 20 feet above the ground. I had previously decided that I would climb in my hiking boots to make it more difficukt and fun... I was kicking mself now that I was at the bottom of the cliff with nowhere to go but up in my slipery and definetly not meant for rock hiking boots. After a few moves I had climbed about five feet and was already very tired. The water had already soaked through my thin gloves and I took them off, and wrung them out. They were water logged. The sun was slowly and happily sending its rays of warmth in my direction, so I just sat there for a while and enjoyed the view. WHen I finally decided to go, so did the ice that I had noticed earlier. I was in an akward undclinging position when I heard about 80 feet above me at least 50 lbs of ice start to come tumbling down towards me. I quickly set my feet in good holds and prayed that my boots would stay. I pressed my body into the rock face and tucked my elboxs in under my shoulders to make the smallest target from above. As most of the pieces of ice plumetted by me I realised that I was going to be ok. It was at this exact moment that a very large and mean piece of ice hit my helmet. I'm so glad that I had decided to where it! That piece of ice would have given a severe concussion if not actually killing me outright... oh well. I continued on climbing and after several more underclings a few sketchy wet smears and a lie back I was pulling my rope up and enjoying the sunshine as I pacted my belongings and hiked home. It was a good day.
Unknown "sweet cheeks" Loving - 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
If you had me all alone in your room locked up for 24 hours, describe in detail what you would do to/with me! Responses can range from sexy to funny. Send them as a message cuz they are a secret! Then repsost this as your tale; you may be suprised at the responses you get!

Unknown "sweet cheeks" Loving - 17 years ago
My trip to prospect rock episode one

Yesterday the sun was shining and I felt like having an adventure. I decided to hike out to the local crag and do some rock climbing. Since there had been lots of good weather I figured that at least one rock face was going to be free of snow, if not water. So I found all my winter gear for a sunny day, then I grabbed one of my climbing ropes, and I was off! When I walked past the bank it said the temp. was 26 degrees... awesome! The sun was shining brightly, but there was a good wind and my face soon began to get cold so I put on a scarf. I walked the two miles down RT 15 at a brisk pace and made it to hogback rd in around 30 minutes. I took a short water break, took off my wind breaker, put on my hat and I was off, hiking up Prospect Rock rd. The farther I got up this road the narrower it got. After maybe three hundred feet of elevation gain and 3/4 of a mile the road disappeared into a snow bank, where they didn't plow because no one lived beyond that point. The trees were swaying and lulling me into a good mood, and little pieces of snow slowly fell from the branches, making pock marks in the otherwise perfectly smooth and untouched surface of the snow. I tied on my gaiters and hoped over the snow bank. The trail was easy to follow and I had a great tromp through the woods to get to the trailhead. I must have hiked another mile or so. Halfway there I met a plump and mature doe that stared at me then hoped off into the east woods. All I could think about was the size of her; she looked like at least 160-180 lbs! MMMM venison! Anyway, I soon made it to the trail head and again I had no problems following the long trail for the 1/4 mile that was left. I had to slow my pace down considerably since the trail gained 400 ft in elevation in that 1/4 mile. As I tromped my way up the last steep part of the trail and the trees began to thin the sunlight and the wind hit me full force. It was so uplifting! I walked to the edge of the 100 ft or so of cliff and looked down on the river, the fields, the little white church, and RT 15. All I could think of was how unfortunate it was that all those people in their cars couldn't see what I was seeing, that they had to be stuck in their car zooming off to someplace without being able to enjoy their trip. I sat down to eat some bread that I had baked a couple of nights ago. It was delicious, and the water that I drank felt like it spread through me like a cool gentle hand telling my body to relax.
Unknown "sweet cheeks" Loving - 17 years, 1 day ago

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Alexander Graesser
random comment #307) *BBQed* You have been BBQed
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 5 months, 2 days ago
Unknown "My Love" Loyal - 16 years, 10 months, 6 days ago
i bet the cat wants to eat the deer and the deer wants to smell the cat but neither one can do it because of the window. if only someone would open the window. CHAOS ENSUES.
You have been given Password?! What password?!!.
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Unknown "My Love" Loyal - 16 years, 10 months, 20 days ago
i wanna
You were taken on a trip! You have played at the beach.
Unknown "My Love" Loyal - 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
dust ruffles
You have been given I love my pet.
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Unknown "My Love" Loyal - 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
i think we make an excellent team.
You were taken on a trip! You have been taken swimming.
Unknown "My Love" Loyal - 16 years, 11 months, 21 days ago
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