My trip to prospect rock episode one
Yesterday the sun was shining and I felt like having an adventure. I decided to hike out to the local crag and do some rock climbing. Since there had been lots of good weather I figured that at least one rock face was going to be free of snow, if not water. So I found all my winter gear for a sunny day, then I grabbed one of my climbing ropes, and I was off! When I walked past the bank it said the temp. was 26 degrees... awesome! The sun was shining brightly, but there was a good wind and my face soon began to get cold so I put on a scarf. I walked the two miles down RT 15 at a brisk pace and made it to hogback rd in around 30 minutes. I took a short water break, took off my wind breaker, put on my hat and I was off, hiking up Prospect Rock rd. The farther I got up this road the narrower it got. After maybe three hundred feet of elevation gain and 3/4 of a mile the road disappeared into a snow bank, where they didn't plow because no one lived beyond that point. The trees were swaying and lulling me into a good mood, and little pieces of snow slowly fell from the branches, making pock marks in the otherwise perfectly smooth and untouched surface of the snow. I tied on my gaiters and hoped over the snow bank. The trail was easy to follow and I had a great tromp through the woods to get to the trailhead. I must have hiked another mile or so. Halfway there I met a plump and mature doe that stared at me then hoped off into the east woods. All I could think about was the size of her; she looked like at least 160-180 lbs! MMMM venison! Anyway, I soon made it to the trail head and again I had no problems following the long trail for the 1/4 mile that was left. I had to slow my pace down considerably since the trail gained 400 ft in elevation in that 1/4 mile. As I tromped my way up the last steep part of the trail and the trees began to thin the sunlight and the wind hit me full force. It was so uplifting! I walked to the edge of the 100 ft or so of cliff and looked down on the river, the fields, the little white church, and RT 15. All I could think of was how unfortunate it was that all those people in their cars couldn't see what I was seeing, that they had to be stuck in their car zooming off to someplace without being able to enjoy their trip. I sat down to eat some bread that I had baked a couple of nights ago. It was delicious, and the water that I drank felt like it spread through me like a cool gentle hand telling my body to relax.
Unknown "sweet cheeks" Loving
- 17 years, 1 day ago