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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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"*Growls softly*"

Unknown, 45/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:40 AM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
Location: Houston, TX United States

"Yeah I know I'm fricken amazing..."
About me:
This is where I add interesting stuff about me right? Hmm... I'm a poet, a wife, a mother... I suppose I'm pretty damn facinating now that I think about
About you:
Check out my shop (see below) It's got some original swag in it. Mwah!
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi
Herds: Sex Kittens, ~Ink & Steel~, We love art!, Suicide Girls, Doug's Thumb Engine, Arnold's Harem
"my sweety"
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"Puppy Lovin"
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Unknown's tales
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Surrender To Reclamation Part II

My sanity wavers as I liberate myself to sleep
Where I may enjoy your winsome company
I awaken and take refuge into a dreamy mist
That still smells like you
Floating adrift yet towards this reality
I become confused
Addled at the soundness of indecision

The blatant swell and roar
Of the surrender to the reclamation
Of myself

Coursing within me is the potency of weakness
A migrant beast
That has been thrust unrepentantly
Into this fierce and wild freedom
Where legislate it’s own destiny
In accordance to it’s whims

And yet hoping the beast will again
Become relentless
In it’s pursuit for resettlement
Into that euphoric ignorance
Of a cage it has gotten itself into
And has remained therein for so long

It has no choice but to stay
What else is there but this
In reality that is
This cracked and spoiled existence
In the exile of rationalism

In opposition
As every second ticks by
To my own desire to desire preservation
Beating at the walls
Of this incomplete and ravaged heart
And predisposed to sit
Cumbersomely and breathe up deeply
All the pollution
Of this uncomplicated and prolonged sickness
Sacrificially salvaged devotion
Unknown "*Growls softly*" Serene - 16 years, 11 months, 1 day ago
Surrender To Reclamation Part I

I am not arresting you mind
To appease or to pacify
The acrid lacking of interest
Or feeling for him any longer
My craving for an arrowy retreat
From the gravity of reality

My longing to stir your blood
Warm your heart
Flush your face
And annihilate your asceticism
All it’s practices of self denial
I tremble inside
Bursting with anticipation
To draw and appeal
This desirous disgrace

My machination to attune
To bring our bodies to harmony
Is nearly audible

My immediate reaction to your voice
Puzzles me immensely
Why now and why you
Why me for that matter

Why do you treat me with love
Hold me softly
As ashes float free of a flame
That has an insatiable craving
To entice you
To conspire
To escape into that warm sensation
As that wave travels up my spine
Into my heart
Igniting that inconsolable appetite
And yet as good as I feel
Thinking of the unknown
When the effects wear off
I’ll be left graceless and covetous
A cautionary tale
And fatigued
From the stirring of adoration
Tired from deciding to decide
Whether to depart or remain
To decay or ascend

Unknown "*Growls softly*" Serene - 16 years, 11 months, 1 day ago
Enchained Spirit
My enchained spirit is mirrored in his empty blank eyes

I floated in my watery grave calmly
Hands tethered behind me by a spoiled rope
Clothed in graying silk and lace
My hair gliding smoothly in a benign current

I looked away from the image
To the room where I caught a shiver of a shadow
It danced gracefully along the wall
Candles flickered and winked as they give off the sweet aroma of expensive wax

I released his useless hand
And I watched as his eyes spilled out the inexhaustible essence of sorrow loss and change

A soiled light falters through the room
His clothes on the foot of the bed
On the desk and antique pocket watch
Which like my heart has long since ceased to beat out a rhythm for him
We have wound down to a morose thud then silence

A blanket my favorite patched and worn weathered by time still smells of him
As I exit I hear the soft creaking underfoot of this old house settling
I escape through the doorway into the warm inviting autumn night
I sit among the roses these fragrant blossoms dripping with moonlight
I see beautifully lazy vines lying along the fence

My cheeks redden as I set the blaze alight…
I stare, as the red and blue colors of closure, embrace the house
The smell those memories
I see the nearly inescapable whisperings of bitterness and resentment
Being set free of me… up and over the indifferent clouds

Turning to walk away I glance once more at the fire
My ears hear a melodious echo of laughter
I feel the severity of your gaze
I turn to see you there
A swell of pleasure has frozen my mouth
I realize only now
I relinquished that fallacious relationship
In order to find you and possess something truly divine

A piece written in October 2003.
~ Comments welcome and appreciated as always ~ Thanks.

Unknown "*Growls softly*" Serene - 16 years, 11 months, 8 days ago

His watchful yet lazy eyes
Gaze down
He studied the twisted
Little figures
Mutilated & writhing
With agony
Some walking, kneeling, praying
And arguing
There is no resolution with words, thoughts
Or bloodied hands
These tiny inadequate creatures
Pace to and fro
Quibbling over race, religion, and
Difference of opinion
Nothing worth commendation
He turned away long ago
His mouth stretched
In an infinite yawn
As he watches us destroy ourselves

These minuscule lives petty
And unmindful
The crowds slosh like liquid
Against these colorless walls
We scream for recognition
Until it’s a great collective roar
And yet he chooses to be deaf to our cries
And he should

This stupid frenzy the span of human life
These fragile and hairless mammals
For whom education and refinement have all but
Increased the risk of moral confusion
Our advancement has made us egotistical
Which is by far
A worse fate than ignorance

Wasteful and common are we
A virus infecting the mother earth
Biting the hand that feeds
And we want to be saved
He sits and waits for us
The sickness to run its course
So that he may start again

It was not the gift of free will that condemns
It was our ideals
Brought to life with spontaneity
And without a thought of consequence
Life is lesson
That we refuse to learn
Until it is over

This is a piece of mine written in 2004. Comments are welcome and much appreciated, Thanks guys!

Unknown "*Growls softly*" Serene - 16 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
I have recently been offered a job as a Foot Model... Hmmm .... Guess it takes all kinds. LMAO! They are quite cute little piggies!~Mwah~ Cyb
Unknown "*Growls softly*" Serene - 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
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Check out my new website
Shop shop shop Mwah
Unknown "*Growls softly*" Serene - 16 years, 7 months, 21 days ago
Ahhhh A bad leek!!!!!!!!!!
Unknown "*Growls softly*" Serene - 16 years, 7 months, 21 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #1012) *flame grilled* You have been flame grilled
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 8 months, 2 days ago
Come make some witty replies in my herd discussion, Naughty pickup line test Centre.
You have been given a cereal killer (click on pic).
Crafted by Arnold
Arnold Feisty - 16 years, 8 months, 21 days ago
You aren't on hp too often!
You have been given a bad leek (click on pic).
Crafted by Arnold
Arnold Feisty - 16 years, 8 months, 21 days ago
This is the link to a herd for people that appreciate Art. (writing included)
Unknown "Wonderful Wicked" Hopeless - 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Cybils Shop

Lots of sexy and amusing swag for your special pets! Mwah Cyb

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