It was a stormy night, much like tonight, when through the sound of the thunder and rain came the whoosh of flapping wings and the hiss of a forked tongue. It was none other than the Bad Ass Bitches Herd known as Cupcake the Snake and Baby the Bat. These sly females were on the prowl looking for their next victim. They stumbled upon a creature that was oblivious to their presence. It was a peculiar looking animal, with a spotted coat that covered it's body from it's triangular shaped head down to it's long slinky tail. It was just laying there on a tree branch, soaking wet from the rain, looking vunerable. Suddenly then, it noticed the vixens. It's head lifted, ears perked up, and the feline slowly moved to a more dominant position. At this point, it was clear that they had entered Lucas the Cheetah's domain. For a moment, they all stared at each other, wondering what - who would make the first move. Cupcake slithered her wet body closer, and closer to Lucas. She slowly wrapped herself around one of Lucas' legs. Meanwhile, Baby swooped down on top of Lucas and began to sink her teeth into his soft, fur-coated flesh. As the blood flowed out of his wound, down his muscluar body, he let out a wild, passionate roar. The louder he roared, the more Cupcake squeezed and the harder Baby bit. Lucas started to become weak. He more he struggled the more he was unable to move. It seemed that the reptile / mammal duo had taken down one of the jungle's most elusive predators.......or had they?........
Unknown "Bat girl" Lazy
- 17 years, 13 days ago