In life there are many twists, turns, and forks... the only thing we need to remember is that we can't go back and choose a different road, on learn for next time the road opens up to us... remember that money and power don't make you important but the hearts you've touched and the people you've befriended and help... try not to live life as an jerk, treat people well and hope for a little of that to come back to you.
I have a mental problem I have been dealing with on my own, for around 7 years now... it has made my life more difficult then i feel it needed to be... lately myproblem has been getting to hard to handle, my work, my life and my family and friends are suffering cause of it... i am seeking help... not for me but for my wife and my daughter... for my true friends like britney and victor who i know love me even if they cant bring themselves to say it... All i can say is wish me luck... it's not gonna be easy for me
Unknown "amazing love" Confused
- 17 years, 2 days ago