oh yah, so if anyone wants to see the chunk of lung i coughed up when i had pneumonia here is a link to them... fair warning: Hi-res images of lung covered in mucus blood and whatever may cause sudden loss of conscience. http://www.mindofinsanity.com/images/meatball/
Unknown "Tangis Valentine" Nervous
- 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
for those who care, or even noticed, i havent been on hp lately...just kinda gotten bored with it, so sorry to those whom i may have neglected... no offence :D
Unknown "Tangis Valentine" Nervous
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
beLIEve thats all i have to say.
Unknown "Tangis Valentine" Nervous
- 17 years, 15 days ago
Yah so i hear pneumonia is a killer, well i dont know why they say that, i got it and im still alive. maybe your nose liquifying itself from the inside out, or maybe its spending from 9am sunday til 5pm wednesday in the hospital with unbelieveable chest pains, were talkin ones that not even deladid was taking the pain away, maybe the continuious 105 fevers for 48hrs strait, or maybe just maybe its cause when you cough up a large chuck of fleshy bloody mucus covered meatball the size of your nose, yah maybe thats why... so if you dont get it yet, ive got pneumonia, im doing much better now then when i went into the hospital, but ive been told it could take months til i feel fully back to normal. oh and that meatball hairball...yah its real, and i got the hi-res pix to prove it. ...pix to be continued
Unknown "Tangis Valentine" Nervous
- 17 years, 16 days ago
WOW i feel so used :( i guess selling me back to the store resets my price, i have now been dwindled down to about 10,000 points price range... i am soooooooo sad. my owner disowned me :( please donte your thumbs to the restore daniels price fund... thanks for your support
Unknown "Tangis Valentine" Nervous
- 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago