post my Truth post when I feel up to it.. Right now.. sick to my stomach.. very tired.. meanwhile.. until then... Stolen from Taylor on Myspace..
If tin whistles are made of tin......what do they make foghorns out of?
If nothing sticks to Teflon, how do they stick it on the pan?
If knees were on the other side of the legs…how would chairs look?
If a snail lost it’s house….
would it be naked, or homeless?
If one swimmer on a synchronized swimming team drowns….
what’s the others supposed to do?
If white wine goes with fish….
does grapes to with sushi?
If you melt dry ice….
can you bathe without getting wet?
If a man can satisfy his sexual desires with a porno magazine….
Why don’t we just send cooking books to the starving nations?
If swimming is so healthy….
why are the whales so big?
How many weeks go on a light year?
How does nudist celebrate Halloween?
How do you find out if they spelled a word wrong in the dictionary?
How can there be Selfhelpgroups
Why can a pencil write on an eraser?
How do you get off a none-stop flight?
How do you know it’s time to tune your bagpipe?
How do you know you run out of invisible ink?
How do you throw away a trashcan?
Why is a guy who plays the piano called a pianist, when a racecar driver isn’t called a racist?
Isn’t it kinda cruel that there’s an S in Lisp
Why did the kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why is it called hay fever, when you don’t have a fever, but sneeze?
Why is it called Rush-hour, when everyone goes slow?
Why is it tourist Season, when you can’t shoot them?
Why do you execute killers to show them it’s wrong to kill?
Why have we never seen the headline “psychic wins the lottery”?
Why do you have to schedule an appointment with a psychic?
Why do you press start to shut down windows..?
Why is palindrome not spelled the same way from the front and the back?
Why do you press harder on the remote when you know the battery is almost dead?
Can a blind dog get a seeing eye person?
Can soap be dirty?
If a catholic protests a lot….
does he become a protestant?
Can you surf a heat wave?
Can you be a closet claustrophobe?
If a person with multiple personality threatens with suicide….
Is it a hostage situation?
When a crocodile eats, does it have to wait an hour to leave the water?
When a bald man washes his face….
where does he stop?
We give kids little spoons and forks….
does Chinese kids get toothpicks?
Would Jesus get wet if he tripped while walking on water?
Unknown "Dark -NFS Hos!-" Evasive
- 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago