Ask yourself how often do you look at other people and wish you could be them.
Then ask why you want to be them.
If the answer is because they look good, because their popular, because they know the fashion, because they are great at everything.
Then they are not worth being.
Being yourself no matter how much it sucks or hurts is so much better than being one of them.
Now think how often you wish other people could just be you just so they know how you feel, so they know what every word does what every comment and trip or hit does.
I would rather not let humans suffer that and anyways they would only dot it more to inflict as much pain as possible.
Being the odd one out hurts yet some see it better than being a sheep all our lives.
Problem is how do we determine who is copying who?
Unknown "Olivia" Abused
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago