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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Herds (lead): Mass Murderers United

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Unknown's tales
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I started again.

My whole world falls apart.

A secret meets the air.

A good friend is lost.

Alone again.

Blood and tears spilt.

Here comes the regret
Unknown "Olivia" Abused - 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
I started again.

My whole world falls apart.

A secret meets the air.

A good friend is lost.

Alone again.

Blood and tears spilt.

Here comes the regret
Unknown "Olivia" Abused - 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
Some people try to help but make it worse, No one tries to make it worse and acctually make stuff better.

Paranoia is the one thing survivours have, never letting trust come onto someone means you are free you are ready for the thing to go wrong. Problem is you become so caught up in your imaginairy worl d of hate that you slowly destroy the ties around you of the people you like of the ones you love everything comes undone.

People look at you strangly and always say yes if you ask if they like you.

Constant pessimism is a good thing, the thing is if you think something is going to go rwrong then your not suprised if it does and feel good if it doesnt. Also optimism has its limmits if your constantly having bad things happen then your going to not believe in it at more and over optimism just isnt normal it just shows that your pretending to be someone your not since no one is ever like that.
Unknown "Olivia" Abused - 17 years, 3 days ago
Being ignored and rejected is one thing but being ignored and rejected by the people who you surroundyourself with is another thing.
One can neve be sure if anything is intentionaly or accident, really accident never comes into anything. Most things are caused by one thing sub concious or otherwise.
They are incident not accidents accidents imply no one is to blame.

One thing to ask yourself is are you the shepard or the sheep. Do they crowd you or you just follow them. It seems now more than ever that most people tag along. they drop their beleifs just so as not to be left out.

Rejection happens when you stop being a sheep and start showing your real colours. You pick to be left out you pick to be the one no one would remember the name of after a week.

This is th real test of your so called self proclaimed "friends" this is where you see where people lie.

Pushing people through crap and they still acknoledgeing your excistence in a good sign of a "friend" but whats the point no one is like that anymore.

they keep telling me life is worth living well you give a good reason for living in a world where the onnly goal is to survive through 60+ years of crap to earn moeny to get the illusion of happyness while we wait to die.

Unknown "Olivia" Abused - 17 years, 21 days ago
Ask yourself how often do you look at other people and wish you could be them.
Then ask why you want to be them.
If the answer is because they look good, because their popular, because they know the fashion, because they are great at everything.
Then they are not worth being.
Being yourself no matter how much it sucks or hurts is so much better than being one of them.
Now think how often you wish other people could just be you just so they know how you feel, so they know what every word does what every comment and trip or hit does.
I would rather not let humans suffer that and anyways they would only dot it more to inflict as much pain as possible.
Being the odd one out hurts yet some see it better than being a sheep all our lives.
Problem is how do we determine who is copying who?
Unknown "Olivia" Abused - 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
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Queen Courtney of the Sass
Randomly came by. Did your tales.
Queen Courtney of the Sass "Cece Bee" Crazy - 16 years, 11 days ago
hey olliee
Unknown "Flores" Hopeless - 17 years ago
you can try I always help people with their problems :)
Unknown "Flores" Hopeless - 17 years, 5 days ago
I see it has happened to me too lol, well If you want to talk im here for you, really :)
You were taken on a trip! You have been taken hanging out at the zoo.
Unknown "Flores" Hopeless - 17 years, 5 days ago
I'm so sorry about not being here to offer my hugs to you.. how have you been?
You have been given Hugging and petting.
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Unknown "xXVampxX" Sexy - 17 years, 6 days ago
ollie I just read your tales.. is everything ok?
You have been given ~~I'm so glad you are my pet~~.
Crafted by
Unknown "Flores" Hopeless - 17 years, 6 days ago
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Unknown's shop
The Shop

This Is The Shop Nuff Said

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Terrorist Kitty Costume
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