My name is Star. I was born in the wild hills south of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado on a cold January morning. I am exceptional, my Mother tells me, because I was the only colt to have been born during that time. Although I am white, I have yet a whiter star on my forehead. The first winter was hard and very frigid, but somehow, our herd made it through. Even when some cougars attacked us younger ones, my father, the herd leader, protected us. I had never really felt as though I fit into the herd, as I felt different from the others. The years went by, and I grew up to be a strong mare. Being the only pure white horse in my herd, and enduring many hardships, I became herd leader of 20 others. Being strong, however, doesn't count toward how one feels, though. My insecurities were still there.
One day, I noticed a strange being approach on horseback. A human! I had never seen one before and he was very strange looking sitting upright. I approached him alone away from my herd as they held back. His voice held a certian gentleness to it as he called to me and it was comforting to see him riding a creature that I was familar with. His horse, who was white also, had a peaceful and gentle look about her. Still unsure of what his intensions were, I still hesitated and was skiddish. He kept talking to me and led his horse companion closer. His eyes were like sparkling blue water and his hair was black as night. He held out his hand to me. Though I was scared, and curious, I was also drawn to him, mysteriously. My feelings of being dirty and scarred from previous battles, made me feel insecure. Finally, I decided to come to him and when I did, he stroked my forehead and spoke softly, "You are special, Star, don't be afraid". I wanted to jump! He was speaking my language! My questioning thoughts were, "Who are you? How do you know about me?". He just smiled a perfect kind smile, stroked my hair and started to leave. I wanted to know more! I started to run after him, but his horse was faster than even I and they disappeared over the ridge.
As I returned to the herd, I told them about the stranger. My Father was astonished that I took such a risk, but I told him that there was something about that human. As the days passed, my thoughts were continually on that encounter and what was said.
To be continued...
- 17 years, 2 months, 10 days ago