Alrighty. I actually feel like filling this out. ^-^ Go me.
Hi. *waves* My name is Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie and the picture of the animal is my puppy Boo Boo. XD Isn't she the cutest? I would put one of my cats but one doesn't like pictures and the other doesn't sit still. Sooo....
I am 16, will be 17 June 27th, awesomely awkward and currently have the best body wash. (It smells really good) I love to write and which to get published one day--if that doesn't work out I want to go into Journalism or Psychology.
In my free time I write, read, role-play (and not in that sick and nasty way you are thinking of *CoughJessCough* ) and I listen to my pwnful music (which lately is very foreign...meh) Oh! And I'm on a romanian everything phase so please forgive me if the video below ever turns out to be the Numa Numa song. ^-^ But for now I will spare you.
The song below I heard it from one of the coolest shows I am watch which was introduced to me by my friend Jess. The show is called Kuroshitsuji and it this song. Lacrimosa by Kalafina.
That is all. A misca acum! Or message me if you want to know more. ^-^ Mm'kay?
About you:
Arsenium. That would be wicked awesome. I don't think I would be able to breathe after it though.
Sebastian. But you can't meet anime demon butlers in real life. *sigh*
People. I don't really meet a lot of people where I live and it would be nice to meet more people with same or even different interests. Get some connections in life, ya know?
lol guess your gonna have to change that part of your profile where it says " My FRIEND Jess will try to outbid you everytime so this may be fun" =P .... tis okay though Lizzie, we can be friends... with benefits :D jkjk... kind of ;-o