The major point of one interview i conducted for a Car Jockey.
A brief outline of the requirements for this job a full UK drivers licence, presentable and comfertable talking to people. i had about ten people show up without a drivers licence then state 'i didn't think that i would need one'. The had to park cars for customers! I think one showed up who had been disqualified from driving i never got to speak to that one though.
But back to the point, i am interviewing this candidate who has been driving for a few years and driven several different types of car both manual and automatic. Young but sounding like a sensible person. The conversation is flowing nicely he is not having to think too hard to answer the questions until....
Question: "How would you react if one of the customers had a bad night and was rude to you?"
Answer: "i'd use my self defence on them."
Question :"Pardon?"
Answer: "i'd defend myself"
Question: "I don't think that you understood the question, let me try again, How would you react if one of our customers had a bad evening and was upset at themselves wasn't really in the mood to talk and was a bit rude to you?"
Answer: "i don't take that off of anyone, i'd fight to protect myself"
Statement: "Thank you very much for your time, it has been most enlightening, i will let you know"
Just in case you are wondering he didn't get the job
Unknown "Benji" Playful
- 16 years, 1 month, 27 days ago