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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown's tales
The major point of one interview i conducted for a Car Jockey.

A brief outline of the requirements for this job a full UK drivers licence, presentable and comfertable talking to people. i had about ten people show up without a drivers licence then state 'i didn't think that i would need one'. The had to park cars for customers! I think one showed up who had been disqualified from driving i never got to speak to that one though.

But back to the point, i am interviewing this candidate who has been driving for a few years and driven several different types of car both manual and automatic. Young but sounding like a sensible person. The conversation is flowing nicely he is not having to think too hard to answer the questions until....

Question: "How would you react if one of the customers had a bad night and was rude to you?"

Answer: "i'd use my self defence on them."

Question :"Pardon?"

Answer: "i'd defend myself"

Question: "I don't think that you understood the question, let me try again, How would you react if one of our customers had a bad evening and was upset at themselves wasn't really in the mood to talk and was a bit rude to you?"

Answer: "i don't take that off of anyone, i'd fight to protect myself"

Statement: "Thank you very much for your time, it has been most enlightening, i will let you know"

Just in case you are wondering he didn't get the job
Unknown "Benji" Playful - 16 years, 1 month, 27 days ago
Thinking about writing a book on people i have interviewed for a job, rangeing from what are they wearing to i wonder if this person is mentally stable.
Unknown "Benji" Playful - 16 years, 2 months, 29 days ago


You have been given ηîbblɘṡ & lîςκṡ .
Crafted by Unknown
Calendulah taking off that which binds - 16 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
wierest police stop of my life to date and i kid you not.

Background, i was 28 and i drove a 280bhp Subaru Impreza, i work nights so drive around in the wee hours of the morning.

i have just finised a shift so have taken my tie of and am driving home. i'm probably three quarters of the way there thinking about stopping at the 24hr superstore to pick up some juce and a movie. A police car drives past. i check my speed, 30 in a built up area ok. the police car turns around, oulls a very fast U turn in the road. Speeds up to catch up with me then sits on my tail for the next mile. i am being very careful at this point, getting worried as the occupants of the police car are looking very busy. i take the turn onto the road that leads to the supermarket. Blue light everywhere, did i run the light i waas so worried about them? i can't remember. panik sets in, everybody that has been pulled knows this feeling. so i indicate, pull over, switch the engine off, get out, start walking towards the police car, the officer is halfway out of their car, i say:

"how can i help you officer?2


"It's not you go away!"



weird huh
Unknown "Benji" Playful - 16 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
here, you can use this for the next time
You have been given Idiot detector.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "it's me" Uncertain - 16 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
hahahahahaha @ your tales! that first one just made me laugh out loud for a good 10 minutes hahahaha "id defend myself" rofl
Unknown "it's me" Uncertain - 16 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
Jacqui Wilson
Ben, babes, get some tales posted up so people can think your interesting, now that your a Married manager lol!! i have met some amazing people on here and even my guy and best friend is on here, and yes she's the pretty on that i went to London with!!
also you might find out that there is life after the casino,,,,, oh scarey i know but true.
Say hello to everyone from me, i'm getting back to the annoying way i was when i started at Bristol, enthusiasm is coming back to me and i aint going to be able to contain the smiles for much longer, and since i'm losing weight yeehaw, then again at least i will never have to wear that god aweful blue dress ever again! thats cause for celebration in itself. bring out the alcohol i need to party! hey why is it that casino's make you wear the most horrible uniforms, they are suppose to attract the clients not make them feel queasy!
post tales, search for new people around the world, pick a place and then check out profiles, invite friends, chat to old ones, make new ones, and lots of thumbage action going on!!! lol
Jacqui Wilson "Ti'Loupe Aimée" Loving - 16 years, 6 months, 17 days ago
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