A Policeman pulls a blonde in a sports car over for speeding and is trying to explain to her what and where her driver's license might be. After she eventually gives him her driver's license, he asks for registration. Getting another blank blonde look from her, he explains, "It's that little piece of paper you get with your car and you keep it in the glove compartment." "Ah," she says as she bends over to get it. While she is looking through the glove compartment, the officer unzips his pants and pulls his c**k out. Excited that she had found her registration, she turns around and looks up. A look of dismay crosses her face and she says, "Oh, no! Not another breathalizer test!"
Unknown "Lacey Lucy"
- 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
A blonde goes into the beauty and hair parlor with her walkman on her head. "I need to take that walkman off your head," says the beauty specialist as she notices the blonde. "You can't! I'll die!" retorts the blonde. "I can't cut your hair with the walkman on your ears!" says the beauty specialist getting annoyed. "I said you can't take it off, or I'll die!" The beauty specialist, outraged and flustered, grabs the walkman and throws it off the head of the blonde. Within seconds, the blonde dies. When the specialist picks up the walkman to listen, she hears it repeating "breath in, breath out, breath in".
Unknown "Lacey Lucy"
- 17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
Q: What do you see when you look directly into a blonde's eyes? A: The back of her head.
Unknown "Lacey Lucy"
- 17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
If a blonde and a brunette fell off a building, who would hit the ground first? Answer: The brunette - the blonde would have to stop for directions!
Unknown "Lacey Lucy"
- 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
Why? Why do I get chased on all the days except days like today when I am horny?
Unknown "Lacey Lucy"
- 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago