As I walk through the mist, To the edge of the water, The river beckons, The shadows call. The moonlight is reflected in the water, Diamonds dance and sparkle. As stars fall from the sky, I see it in your eyes. The burn with a hidden desire. The fire in them beckons. I wade in the water, You follow close behind, I lie, floating, unaware of time, You hold me. I shiver at your touch. As I watch, the heavens open. The moonstones fall from them as tiny droplets. We turn our faces to the sky. As the rain comes down, your eyes soften. You sink down beside me, and together we float. Together, we are pulled into the deep. Together, in the darkness of death, Our souls entwine. Our loves swells, spirits as one. Through the cold of death that none can traverse with another, Alone, Yet not alone. Our fires have been put out. As Death extinguishes the flame, So Eternity sets a new fire to the soul. Naught can part us, Not even the crushing oblivion. As body sinks, spirit rises, Hope is kindled. A way is made Into the bliss of Eternity. © Nicole Mount, 2005
Unknown "Innocence" Purring
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
We fall into line, Silent as the night itself. Without sound of footfall, nor gasp of breath, We enter the glade. The spirits stir, Unseen, yet present. All about us the Wind whispers. The trees answer her call, bowing in reverence. We form our circle, The Mother smiles on us. Moonbeams lie at our feet. We begin to move sunwise, Joining hands, we dance. Spirits whisper, the night rejoices. We move with the melody from a flute, Maidens sing about us. Our souls rise in exultation. Visions seen, joys shared, All gifts. Life, death, rebirth, The cycle is complete. © Nicole Mount, 2005
Unknown "Innocence" Purring
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
Horns. They come Across the water. A humming in my veins – A new life is coming. The darkness is behind me, I am no longer torn. Sweet, and sacred, is the call, I will come to you Through whatever darkness lies between. None can hold me back. As my spirit rises, I begin to soar. I will meet you, Greet you with a kiss, We will dance together, As none have danced before, Joyously, praising hope and love. We will run over the lands, Through the forests and the trees, And you will find me. We will dance in the streams, Cry in the rain, Swim in the sea, And naught will come between you and I. We embrace this new life, None other entering our minds. We dance as the shadows and the fire, The darkness and the flames. We dance amongst the wildflowers, I crown you with laurels, You braid my hair with rosemary. There is no fear between us. Close your eyes, and we will breathe in the wind. The air washes over us. We float through the clouds with the angels. There is nothing left, our old existence – Don’t look back, There’s nothing to see. Look ahead instead, There is everything in sight, Everything, Everything – And joy. © Nicole Mount, 2005
Unknown "Innocence" Purring
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago