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Herds (lead): Martial Artist Animals
Unknown's tales
Cool -poke-

AHHH!!!*falls over*
Annata mas ko-i.....

What? -tilts head to the side curiously-

i called you very scary...

Yes, beware my poke of doom! -points finger-

*screms and falls over* please dont kill me...


oh please no!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!NO!!!PLEASE!!!

-tickle tickle-

*nocks u over and stradles you so you cant get up and starts to tikkle you*HAHAHA!!!

-tries desperatley to hold back a fit of laughter- >w<

laugh you know you want to.
*tickles your ribs*

-tries to hold back the laughter, but can't resit the tickling any longer- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


-struggles out from under you and pins you to the ground-

*bites your ear*

Owie! *bites your arm*

*bites your lip*

Are not! >:B -bites your neck-

*bites your ear and nibbles on your neck*
r 2!!!

Not! *bites and gently sucks on your neck*

are too...
*kisses you ruoghly searching your mouth with my tounge*

-meets your tongue with mine-

your so meanto me...
*rolls on top stll kissing you*

Only cause you love it -massages your tongue with mine-
Unknown Neglected - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Cool -poke-

AHHH!!!*falls over*
Annata mas ko-i.....

What? -tilts head to the side curiously-

i called you very scary...

Yes, beware my poke of doom! -points finger-

*screms and falls over* please dont kill me...


oh please no!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!NO!!!PLEASE!!!

-tickle tickle-

*nocks u over and stradles you so you cant get up and starts to tikkle you*HAHAHA!!!

-tries desperatley to hold back a fit of laughter- >w<

laugh you know you want to.
*tickles your ribs*

-tries to hold back the laughter, but can't resit the tickling any longer- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


-struggles out from under you and pins you to the ground-

*bites your ear*

Owie! *bites your arm*

*bites your lip*

Are not! >:B -bites your neck-

*bites your ear and nibbles on your neck*
r 2!!!

Not! *bites and gently sucks on your neck*

are too...
*kisses you ruoghly searching your mouth with my tounge*

-meets your tongue with mine-

your so meanto me...
*rolls on top stll kissing you*

Only cause you love it -massages your tongue with mine-
Unknown Neglected - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Growling a bit at her rude-ness, "a Half-breed, why do you care..." he replied coldly to the woman,

"You just smelled funny...and I thought a mutt would be able to tell why I cared..." she flicks a long black tail across his face and unpins her ears.
"I'm a cat little mutt..." she put one of his fingers on the tip of his nose.
"you need work..."

"Yeah, so do you..." he replied ,keeping the coldness in his voice, not knowing if he would rather be a slave or be the charge of this woman... Someone how being with her won out. "I'm orry for my previous hostilities..." he said, not feeling to sorry but if it got him bout he was all for it

"Oh pup do you really think that I am that blind? the Disdain is clear in your eyes...they are beautiful though..." she trailed off...she didn't want to make a wolf feel less dominate but she was supposed to be the master curse it all...
"I suppose you will do..." she had someone put a bright green collar on him with a long black leash which she took pulling at him till he fell...
"Will you have me?" she asked trying to be kind. She had a soft spot for half breeds...

"thanks you..." he replied, a bit startled at the compliment, mabey she wouldn't be that bad...."Of course!" he replied, wondering if anyone here would rather live captative than at least a slave to someone...Falling hut his hands a bit but he was able to righten himself up and walk along aside her, a bit aqwardly as he was a couple inches taller than her

"I apolagize for the collar," she said sincerely,"but I think it looks cute on you..." she giggled like a young kitt. "Would you like some real food? perhaps some steak and drinks for us?" she asked, "Or would you rather go to my home first and help me cook? I myself would love some steak" she laughed.

"Your house..." he said instantly, being cooped up had made him slightly anti-social, as even the people outside now were making him anxious. Plus he wanted to see what exqctly he would be doing as he new slave, he hoped it be fun

" you know how to cook?" she asked slightly aware of the reason for his discomfort..."I'm hopeing either way to have steak" she said. "Because dinner is first...I want to learn more about my pet...ah here we are!" she said as they went to enter a small two story asian style house..."I change my mind actually...dinner will come after I find what it is you do...I want you to tell me first what you specialize in..."

"Well, i can cook a little bit not too great though...I can do manual labor...Provide you company...Sexual labor... chores around the house...Run airins...whatever ya need..." he replied to her as they walked into her house, wiking to her at the mention of sexual labor as he found her very attractive already.

"hmm I might have to put you to use on one of those before dinner..." she said not telling witch one it was but as soon as they stepped into her house all was black...till she turned on the red light casting a very eerie bloodstained glow around the room. The kitchen was the first thing in view but she dragged him upstairs to her bed which was next to a rather large bar. "Are you worthy to show me what you know?" she asked sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Hmm, i'm not never told me what im doing first..." he said smiling at her, as he walked over and kissed her lips "but i have an idea..." he said once their lips broke apart

"Well it isn't bartending..." she bit at his lower lip starting to purr already.
"Please forgive me it has been a long long time since I have allowed anyone to be close to me...and you will be the one to take me if you can handle such a rough kitten..." for some reasone her face became a deeper red than her blood and her tail decided to wrap around his leg, slideing up, carressing his leg, clinging like a jealous lover...

"I think i'll be able to..." he said, kissing her again
Unknown Neglected - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Growling a bit at her rude-ness, "a Half-breed, why do you care..." he replied coldly to the woman,

"You just smelled funny...and I thought a mutt would be able to tell why I cared..." she flicks a long black tail across his face and unpins her ears.
"I'm a cat little mutt..." she put one of his fingers on the tip of his nose.
"you need work..."

"Yeah, so do you..." he replied ,keeping the coldness in his voice, not knowing if he would rather be a slave or be the charge of this woman... Someone how being with her won out. "I'm orry for my previous hostilities..." he said, not feeling to sorry but if it got him bout he was all for it

"Oh pup do you really think that I am that blind? the Disdain is clear in your eyes...they are beautiful though..." she trailed off...she didn't want to make a wolf feel less dominate but she was supposed to be the master curse it all...
"I suppose you will do..." she had someone put a bright green collar on him with a long black leash which she took pulling at him till he fell...
"Will you have me?" she asked trying to be kind. She had a soft spot for half breeds...

"thanks you..." he replied, a bit startled at the compliment, mabey she wouldn't be that bad...."Of course!" he replied, wondering if anyone here would rather live captative than at least a slave to someone...Falling hut his hands a bit but he was able to righten himself up and walk along aside her, a bit aqwardly as he was a couple inches taller than her

"I apolagize for the collar," she said sincerely,"but I think it looks cute on you..." she giggled like a young kitt. "Would you like some real food? perhaps some steak and drinks for us?" she asked, "Or would you rather go to my home first and help me cook? I myself would love some steak" she laughed.

"Your house..." he said instantly, being cooped up had made him slightly anti-social, as even the people outside now were making him anxious. Plus he wanted to see what exqctly he would be doing as he new slave, he hoped it be fun

" you know how to cook?" she asked slightly aware of the reason for his discomfort..."I'm hopeing either way to have steak" she said. "Because dinner is first...I want to learn more about my pet...ah here we are!" she said as they went to enter a small two story asian style house..."I change my mind actually...dinner will come after I find what it is you do...I want you to tell me first what you specialize in..."

"Well, i can cook a little bit not too great though...I can do manual labor...Provide you company...Sexual labor... chores around the house...Run airins...whatever ya need..." he replied to her as they walked into her house, wiking to her at the mention of sexual labor as he found her very attractive already.

"hmm I might have to put you to use on one of those before dinner..." she said not telling witch one it was but as soon as they stepped into her house all was black...till she turned on the red light casting a very eerie bloodstained glow around the room. The kitchen was the first thing in view but she dragged him upstairs to her bed which was next to a rather large bar. "Are you worthy to show me what you know?" she asked sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Hmm, i'm not never told me what im doing first..." he said smiling at her, as he walked over and kissed her lips "but i have an idea..." he said once their lips broke apart

"Well it isn't bartending..." she bit at his lower lip starting to purr already.
"Please forgive me it has been a long long time since I have allowed anyone to be close to me...and you will be the one to take me if you can handle such a rough kitten..." for some reasone her face became a deeper red than her blood and her tail decided to wrap around his leg, slideing up, carressing his leg, clinging like a jealous lover...

"I think i'll be able to..." he said, kissing her again
Unknown Neglected - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Where've you been babe? Mar has missed you geatly.

i appolagize hun...
ive been working for college money TT-TT
i miss you sooo muuuuch!!!
-hugs you biteing at your ear-

I missed ya too, speaking of college, that's where I'm heading off to in 3 days.

omg which one?

Elmhurst, tis in IL. Where are you goin?

in florida lol

Aw, you're gonna find a whole bunch of hotties in Florida and you're gonna forget all about Mar.

baby ive livved here for awhile i wont forget you...
besides they arnt my type lol

Good to know that you like scrawny little white nerds 8B

lol there are a few of them here but i hearts you baby...

I hearts you too my love. Hey, I should come visit you for spring break.

Ooh really? that would be awsome...
i live in jacksonville...

Awesomeness. I'll need your full address, but that's something we'll worry about when it gets closer to spring.

lol only if you want to be shot by my father lol
and my
but i could meet you at the mall?

I like that idea, and chances are I'd stay in a hotel anyways. My own private room.


-bites at your ear-

"Why are we bitting my ear?" smirks and bites your neck.
-pulls away biteing at your lip, taking it into my mouth sucking a little-

Hmmm, what prize do you get for dis? -not pulling his lip out of her mouth-

ummm...i still dont know...
-lets go of your lip kissing you, sliping my tounge into your mouth for a kiss-

-kisses back, massaging your tongue with mine-

-takes one of her nails digging it into the small of your back pulling you closer-

-steps towards you feeling your nail my back, gently licks your lips- Mmm, yes you are.

well actually...i was speaking of you love...
-flicks her tounge across your lips pulling youre hips as close as possible to her and grinding-

Well, you taste amazing yourself babe
-reaches his hands into her back pockets, pressing his body against hers-
Unknown Neglected - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago

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