SOmetImEs d greatEst mIstakE iN yOur lifE Is nOT fIxing d mIstakes yOu've alreaDy mAdE !!!
Unknown "^vivian^" Lazy
- 16 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
[L o v e] is only a word, until you find some one who gives it meaning... xp
Unknown "^vivian^" Lazy
- 16 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesnt count the miles, its measured by the heart . =]
Unknown "^vivian^" Lazy
- 16 years, 7 months, 17 days ago
EnjOy wAT yOU havE tOday becausE It caN bE gOne tOmorO ... ^-^
Unknown "^vivian^" Lazy
- 16 years, 7 months, 17 days ago
It was heaven, right smack in the middle of hell - Stephenie Meyer
Unknown "^vivian^" Lazy
- 16 years, 7 months, 17 days ago