- 16 years, 8 months, 20 days ago
I recovered the vassels I lost, so all better! Your top two vassels determine the strength of your attack. This determines the people who can attack you. So, if one of your top two vassels jumps up 30 power over night, you need to adjust your defenses to compensate for the stronger attacks you'll be recieving. It is my fault. I just let people raid me for gold to show me that I needed to strengthen my defenses. I just didn't anticipate things changing so drastically that I would go from loosing gold to loosing one of my top vassels! Lesson learned. =)
"Blue Angel"Lazy
- 16 years, 11 months, 1 day ago
So, just want to warn you in regards to knighthood. They have recently changed the game to pretty much make it suck. So, while I hope you are safe with you structures as you are, I can make no gaurantees since they changed the game since I was in your position. I've lost 4 of my top players, it sucks. I'm just going to try and focus on building and improving until they hopefully fix it and return the game to working order. Have a nice day!