There is a story of long ago that told of a Knight who before going into battle left a message under his true loves pillow as she slept. When his true love awoke she found the note and read it. It said she was to look for a wooden box that contained a special gift, but only after a weeks time had past and open it at the stroke of midnight.
It has been said that his gift was meant to help soothe the ache in his lady's heart while he was away. Legend says he had hoped it would soothe his heart too, as he would know the precise time of
her opening the gift and felt they would be together?even if in some small way. After a weeks time, his true love followed the instructions and found the gift exactly where the Knight said it would be. As
she opened the box she could smell the sweet scent of roses as it perfumed the air around her. Opening the box a bit further she saw
a bottle with a cork in it. As she took the bottle from the box she noticed there was a velvet bag around the neck of the bottle and on the inside of the bottle there was a parchment scroll. She opened the velvet bag first and found a Key To My Heart made of the finest pewter. Next she removed the cork from the bottle and read the message written on the scroll...the words he wrote would remain within her heart forever. There were many days and nights that passed before he would return to her, but the gift he left for her
to find never left her gaze or her heart. It comforted her through
that most difficult time. For in love and in life there are many obstacles to overcome but do not forget that the spirit of true
love can never be broken.
So...there's true love in this world >.< so ge ne...
Unknown "시원's pet" Crazy
- 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago