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"Angel Heart"
"Stefan the Red"
50000 pts
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Unknown's tales
Now I am a wren who owns a restaurant. Please visit down on this page! Thank you!
Unknown "Angel Heart" Curious
- 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
Tale number 6 - My favorite pet is "Stefan the Red". He is a goldfish, but humans like to think of him as another human and call him Stefan Grosjean... Hehehehe I hope I can keep him, he's so cute! So please, THUMB!
Unknown "Angel Heart" Curious
- 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Tale number 5 - There was once an impoverished young ne'er-do-well named Aladdin, in a Chinese city, who was recruited by a sorcerer from the Maghreb to retrieve a wonderful oil lamp from a booby-trapped magic cave. After the sorcerer attempted to double-cross him, Aladdin found himself trapped in the cave. Fortunately, Aladdin retained a magic ring lent to him by the sorcerer. When he rubbed his hands in despair, he inadvertently rubbed the ring, and a genie appeared who took him home to his mother. Aladdin was still carrying the lamp, and when his mother tried to clean it, a second, far more powerful genie appeared who was bound to do the bidding of the person holding the lamp. With the aid of the genie of the lamp, Aladdin became rich and powerful and married princess Badroulbadour, the Emperor's daughter. The genie built Aladdin a wonderful palace - far more magnificent than that of the Emperor himself. The sorcerer returned and was able to get his hands on the lamp by tricking Aladdin's wife, who was unaware of the lamp's importance, by offering to exchange "new lamps for old". He ordered the genie of the lamp to take the palace to his home in the Maghreb. Fortunately, Aladdin retained the magic ring and was able to summon the lesser genie. Although the genie of the ring could not directly undo any of the magic of the genie of the lamp, he was able to transport Aladdin to Maghreb, and help him recover his wife and the lamp and defeat the sorcerer. End of story!
Unknown "Angel Heart" Curious
- 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
Tale number 4 - Confucius once said, "It is all down to money, or points" ( or something similar, only it was in Chinese, of course!) :)
Unknown "Angel Heart" Curious
- 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
Tale number 3 - Around here it should be "tail" hehehehe - Anyway, I sometimes find the cutest human about to become the cutest non human pet, only to find out that he is gay... Amazing, isn't it?
Unknown "Angel Heart" Curious
- 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
Unique Pet Restaurant
This is a unique shop for special food items for all pets from rich to poor.
Most recent customers:
The cocktail Queen🥂
"Deusa D'Souza"
2816056 pts
K Zin
1977777 pts
on top of the world
Bok Inator
500000 pts
"Captain Mat"
50 pts
1225000 pts
"The sweetest"
1477464 pts
"Iolaus "
670070 pts
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