have a nice day, Echo. it's now 10.52 PM here. the weather has been getting warmer. it should be nice for the Chinese New Year celebrations on Feb. 3. i can hardly wait!
- 17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
i looked up Harbin on Yahoo. there are a lot of photos of the ice festival. beautiful! and the Siberian tiger park, also beautiful! i can only dream of visiting China, i never have enough money. i would especially like to travel the ancient Silk Road, and see the old pottery kiln sites in Central and southern China. i read a book about some of these. China has one of the oldest, most interesting civilizations in the world. keep warm:) keep happy:)
- 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
hi Echo. it is confusing, but it is fun. it's midnight here. thanks for being my friend, it means a lot to me. i'll write more tomorrow, when it is night in Harbin. :) keep warm, keep happy :)
- 17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
thank you...i havent figured out how to use this ....I am from China and some english just confused me much;-)