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"Agati's Lion "
Unknown's tales
i climbed a stack "it's a wast pipe that fillters smoke" to the top 2 change the light bulb, took me 1and a half hours the thing is 150meters high and u got 2 climb on ur own time that was crappy but cool, the thing moves with the wind about 2meters from left to right that was a rush
Unknown "Agati's Lion " Inspired
- 17 years, 29 days ago
I worked in a storagehouse and there whas a place we coul'nt reach so i climbed the wall with waterpipe that was attached 2 the wall and that was like the sweeeeetest rush ever
Unknown "Agati's Lion " Inspired
- 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
Because of my work i go in 2 ppl houses and check there power 2 see if it is up 2 stander, well i went into this 1 house it was so dirty that the carpet was only clean where the ppl walked.... But thats not all as i go thru the rooms i hear a voice talking 2 som1, so i go into the room and there is a baby in a cot, i look thru the room and see nobody i go out and i hear the voice talking again.... So im like oh my GHOSTS!!!!??? When i go into the kitchen a girl comes from somewhere and tells her mum that i almost caughter her naked in the room, when i came into that room i heard the voice she jumped into the closet, thats what i call cutting it close lol lucky her unlucky me.......I LOVE MY JOB :-)
Unknown "Agati's Lion " Inspired
- 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
My best adventure i should say is when i climbed on the church tower 2 mount a light and almost skydived without 'n shoot lol.
Unknown "Agati's Lion " Inspired
- 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
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