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"The Poet "

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"The Poet "
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Zac "The Poet " - 10 months, 21 days ago
Often I awake in the middle of the night. Tonight it was warm and your covers were off. Your back was to me and i layed there gazing at your body.I couldn't help but trace my finger tips along the curvature of your hips. Even though you were asleep your body seem to respond to my hands movement as you twitched and swayed a bit with the occasional soft Moan. As I took in the site before me, I thought about all the times I've put my lips agatnst you're skin and tasted you. The thought awakened part of my mind and sent electrical waves through my body. I had to feel you next to me. I put my arms around you. You were soft and warm. I felt our curves perfectly fit into place. Nothing else mattered at that point. The smell of your hair. The way you half asleep back to your hips against me. It was the only thing that could be on my mind. As the emotions and we grew so did our breath as you slowly awoke to me kissing your neck. As all of this transpired one thought in my mind grew. I want to wake up like this for the rest of my life.
Zac "The Poet " - 11 months, 2 days ago
I dont feel like i am truly here sometimes. I paint a picture of myself in my mind and that is how I defined myself. But lately I have been thinking about my ego, no pun intended. However, I have realized that the picture I have painted of myself does not represent how other people think of me, and since I am the one who painted that picture. I feel that I do not exist. If it's true that nobody knows what your soul looks like then maybe there is no soul and only a vast nothingness we all share and we are forever shattered apart.
Zac "The Poet " - 11 months, 4 days ago
It's dark, it's cold and there's nothing, nothing to stress over. Frank liked it that way. No people to worry about, no noise. Frank was a writer. He wrote for the local paper in town as a advice columnist. Three months ago someone wrote in about needing help. Frank ignored the letter thinking the person who wrote it must be crazy. The letter consisted of paranoid ramblings over being followed in the street by some monster and even dreaming about it. The writer of the letter later killed herself in front of the newspaper building. Frank couldn't deal with the event or the constant questioning. He felt as if he was to blame and could have helped had he done more. He moved out to the country, far into the country. The house belonged to his grandmother who left it to him. Frank wanted to escape the remorse he had fet and to find himself. He didn't know exactly what he needed. Everything had always just fell into place and he had never gone through something like this.
His soul searching started at the house in the country and would hopefully end with a grand idea, or plan. One thing Frank could always do was write, even if just to relax. So he decided to start a new story just for fun. The story would be a journal of his quest in self discovery. A manifest of the things he cared about and wanted to explore. And maybe in the course, a way to forget the tragedy that changed his life.
Frank's house was 100s of miles away from town, hidden in a tree farm that his family owned for 4 generations. His cell phone would hardly get reception and only in one spot out in the yard, but Frank wasn't concerned. The weather was clear and sunny. Also the house was equipped with a shortwave radio to reach the nearest police station if an emergency were to occur.
The night was cold. There was a soft mist in the wind. Frank shivered and crossed his arms. He stood on his deck gazing into the night sky. He felt at peace there for the first time in months. He still needed to work and kept thinking to go set down at his laptop and write, but he was more interested in the sounds he heard through the woods. He did not miss the loud city. He felt at home there.
Frank's hands grew cold and he was suddenly shivering cold. He tried to walk back into the house from his porch, when all of the sudden he locked up! His legs, arms and back painfully cramped up and he fell forward to the floor of the deck. He tried to move around but it was as if he was being folded backwards. He cried out in pain trying to regain a normal form. Even his fingers seemed to felt like they were being bent back. Then as Fank turned his head towards the open field in front of his house the pain stopped and was replaced by chest clenching paralysis. Then right in front of his view was a ghostly apparition of a young woman whose face had been mutilated. She smiled but not in a happy way, but an anxiety filled rage! "STOP"!

Zac "The Poet " - 11 months, 12 days ago
I'm lying in soft warm mud, cushind by soft weeds and vines. I'm in the middle of nowhere, with no one else in sight. A damp dark swamp just for me. I'm comfortable and content laying there naked. Then I start to sink. I don't move. The mud dribbles into my mouth and nostrils. The edges of my eyes itch and burn as silt slowly fills them. All that is left is darkness. Safe peaceful darkness. Nothing hurts, nothing matters. Everything is fine.

Zac "The Poet " - 11 months, 12 days ago
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Excellent photography Z!
collect beautiful moments You have been given collect beautiful moments.
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kallisti "Good to the Core" ๐ŸŽ an apple a day ๐ŸŽ - 10 months, 20 days ago

Poetry You have been given Poetry.
Crafted by Strider Marcus Jones
kallisti "Good to the Core" ๐ŸŽ an apple a day ๐ŸŽ - 10 months, 21 days ago

Dropping By To See โ™ฅYouโ™ฅ You have been given Dropping By To See โ™ฅYouโ™ฅ.
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kallisti "Good to the Core" ๐ŸŽ an apple a day ๐ŸŽ - 10 months, 23 days ago

A Treasured Friendship You have been given A Treasured Friendship.
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Ciara "Irish Angel" - 11 months, 6 days ago

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Zara "Perpetually Mine" ๊ซ‚ย แดแ‚… - 11 months, 10 days ago

Vampire's dark castle You have been given Vampire's dark castle.
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Zara "Perpetually Mine" ๊ซ‚ย แดแ‚… - 11 months, 10 days ago
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