I'm seemingly impossible.
I'm a failed self-abortion.
I was born addicted to various things.
I have severe dyslexia but my Father accidentally taught me to read before I could talk.
I learned the shapes of entire words. No from sounding out letters.
I could read college books before 1st grade.
I'm Autistic.
My IQ is shared by less than .5% of the population.
So most people have no clue I'm Autistic. I found out when I was 59.
I have severe ADHD. I found out when I was 30.
I have Bi Polar II. The entertaining kind. Not the scary kind. Found out when I as 59
I have OCPD. 59
A number of other acronyms not worth listing.
I've the rarest blood type. AB-
When I took the military ASVAB test I got one of the highest scores in the nation.
I scored so high I was eligible for every job the Army offered. Dad talked me out of it.
I rode motorcycles for over 50 years and only broke my thumb.
I rode motorcycles on the streets of LA for over 40 years and lived.
I've been hit by 30 cars while on motorcycles. Usually never fell off.
I've been close to death or naming hundreds of times.
I stood next to explosives that went off. No injury.
I've been shot at without injury.
I got shot in the head while on my motorcycle on the Hollywood freeway. I still got away.
Cops have harrassed me hundreds and hundreds of time. Still alive.
As payback, I pulled up to hundreds of cops on the freeway, gave them the finger and took off. Never got caught a single time. Ditched a few in cars but much harder so I avoid it.
I've been in 3 Hollywood film industry unions. Invited to a 4th. Didn't join.
I've worked with the most famous people in the world.
I've done 165 MPH on two wheels on a freeway.
I did 145 without a helmet.
Still working on 200.
I've been chased with knives.
I've been in countless car chases. No one ever caught me.
I've been offered movies and TV shows but turned them down.
I was a fairly well known dancer in the LA clubs in the 80s.
I've had 5 heart attacks.
I've had 4 heart surgeries.
I've been dead 4 times.
I've had cancer.
Had the worst cancer treatment.
I went 5 weeks without a single bite of food.
I lost 100lbs in a month.
I've had 5 strokes in a 6 weeks.
I puked ever 2-3 hours 24/7 for 6 weeks.
I've had a collapsed lung.
Had a pulmonary embolism
Had a car hit me head on while I was waiting to turn left. He was doing 45. I stepped off just in time and it ripped the bike out from under me while I was on one leg. Bike flew 20 some feet behind me. Handlebars nearly tore my leg off but my bones bent the bars and the only part of the car that touched me was the driver's mirror barely brushing across my stomach as I did a sort of ballet spin backwards on the ball of my right foot.
I never formed wisdom teeth.
I also never formed other teeth that were unneeded,.
I used to walk a 6 inch beam 100 feet in the air with no ropes. No injuries.
I worked in the top most dangerous job in America. Not a single injury.
I used to do over 130 MPH multiple times a day on LA freeways for decades. No wrecks.
I once hit three cars with my body when someone ran a light. I wasted all three cars. I got up and walked away without so much as a bruise. Though I was sore the next day.
I've been set on fire. No injury.
I've been inside burning buildings. No injuries.
I was allowed to wander through the woods at will when I was 6-10 years. Never got lost.
I've ridden across America on motorcycles many times. No injuries.
I raised myself from 10 years old on.
I hit a car head-on at a combined speed of 100 mph when my motorcycle tire failed. Walked away with a broken thumb.
My cancer treatment gave me severe brain damage. Had to learn how to walk, talk, eat, and think again. And I still wrote this.
I broke a man's first by leaning into his attempt to punch me with my forehead. I heard it shatter, then he screamed in pain and I walked away laughing. He told the cops I assaulted him. I showed them the bruise on my shaved head. They offered to jail him. He got run out of a small town on the West coast.
I used to run up and down 4 flights of stairs with 100 lbs of film on my shoulders in boxes all day. Literally running.
The list goes on a while more but I'll stop here. I've always enjoyed being the freak show lol
Now I'm just some old guy with stories :) Still fun though :)
CaveDweller "Caveman"
- 2 years, 1 month, 21 days ago