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Sissy Sofie | - Free online hangout and friends
Irene Petals
Irene Petals owns this human at 57882 points.


Sissy Sofie
"Another wannabe "

Sissy Sofie
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Sissy's tales
Sissy Sofie
How I begged ken chudzik to be gifted to my Mistress Irene as she is the only true owner to me in both rl and online: "Hello Sir, I'd like to ask for a favor, or even beg you for something. My Mistress, Irene Richardson, is my one and only love, I am her slave and I live to serve her. Anything I do is with her in mind, she is making me and will make me into a better person of that I am sure. And I desperate to be owned by her here on hp, so please sir, I beg you from the bottom of my tiny little heart, may I please be gifted to her so that I can become her pet? Pretty please."
Sissy Sofie "Another wannabe " Playful - 4 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
Sissy Sofie
How I begged Amit to be gifted to my Mistress Irene as she is the true owner of me in rl and online: "Sir, please release me, I am not made to be owned by anyone else than Irene,she is the Mistress of my dreams, I am really beggind you, I am desperate,you are the best person there is, it's the greatest gift I could ever get, please."
Sissy Sofie "Another wannabe " Playful - 4 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
Sissy Sofie
How I begged Amit to be gifted to my Mistress Irene as she is the true owner of me in rl and online: Ehm, would it be of no use if this slut begged you on her bare knees to be gifted to her Mistress Irene Richardson? It'd mean everything to me and it'd make a spot in my heart for you forever, this slave will not be able to rest until she is owned by her Mistress, it changed as my Mistress required to own me right now,, and I beg you Sir, please, this is all I have and the only love that is true to me, please sir.
Sissy Sofie "Another wannabe " Playful - 4 years, 11 months, 3 days ago

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ken chudzik
I am sorry had I been on sooner I would have given you back
ken chudzik Naughty - 4 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
Uh oh, you left? I just bought you and gave you to Mistress Irene. lolzzz
Where are ya? You have been given Where are ya?.
Crafted by Philly-B
_Laurie_IOIO_ "Happy Go Lucky" My owner is the best @ HP🩷 - 4 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
Soon, for ye dear one, it shall be...
The end to a beautiful day You have been given The end to a beautiful day.
Crafted by wildfire
IMM0RTALIZED K'A0S "Myne Darling One" 🖤FREAK SHOW🖤 - 4 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
snow man

Have A Happy Day :) You have been given Have A Happy Day :).
Crafted by Denise Rose
snow man "Mr. Magick" Cheeky - 4 years, 11 months, 4 days ago

I'll keep you warm &lt;3 You have been given I'll keep you warm <3.
Crafted by Emma
Amit "Mr. Hot Paws" Inspired - 4 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
Hiii :)
Have a magical day ღ You have been given Have a magical day ღ.
Crafted by White Wolf
Rachel "Just Me 🖤🌻" Sparkling - 4 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
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