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Happy Yoga Girl
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Happy's tales
Yoga - Heart Space We breathe into our heart space, so we feel our body and mind opens ... The spacious feeling is acceptance, is forgiveness, is confidence in yourself. Don't let anybody beat you down by saying your not good enough, don't trust these lies... God created us, so we are all perfect! When you open your heart space, let the light into your heart, and ONLY Focus on the lights, it makes you stronger, braver and wiser. The truth is we are all perfect in different ways, Open your heart space to see that, because it is the truth that you are Amazing!
Happy Yoga Girl "Sunshine" Festive
- 6 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
Yoga - FORWARD BEND It is always beneficial to stretch by doing bending forward ... It is hard sometimes if you bend forward, you actually see the back of the wall, it is like you are viewing your past, but don't stay there, when you get your head up again, you know you feel way better, why? Because you now see the front, see the future, and the future is always better than the past. We all have past, we can not change the past ever, let's not waste any of our time to deal with the past, but focus all our strength to make a greater future! When you bend forward, don't forget you will always feel awesome when you get back up seeing the better future ahead! Never stuck in the past, always move forward, because ONLY Future will bring you new beginnings, new opportunities, new joy, new chance, new life! Happy EASTER WEEK, Dear friends!
Happy Yoga Girl "Sunshine" Festive
- 6 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
Yoga- Standing Strength From Warrior one, Warrior two to Warrior three, you are exercising your standing strength, experiencing the power of your body and your mind. We as human being, our mental power is incredible, we can achieve anything when we put our mind to it. Today, let our powerful mind lead us to everything we achieve, dear friends, you are more powerful than you think when you have believe in yourself. Happy Powerful Monday, dear friends!
Happy Yoga Girl "Sunshine" Festive
- 6 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
Yoga - Child Pose Happy Friday, dear friends! It is time to relax our body and our mind as weekend is approaching. Emotionally we are ready, all we need now is to do the most relaxing pose in Yoga- Child Pose, no skill, no experience, no flexibility needed, all we need to do is to do what feels right , remember when we were still a child, did we have pressure , were we worried, would we ever give up hanging out with our friends at the playground ? Nope, never!!! So let's just do that- Be our young self, be playful, be innocent, just enjoy all the good memories when we were child, it brings us big smiles because it was one of those times we feel the most like our true self. Child Pose will bring us that feeling, nothing required but a childish mind that is playful, relaxing, casual and random, just be !!!
Happy Yoga Girl "Sunshine" Festive
- 6 years, 11 months, 18 days ago
Yoga - Warrior Three This pose is the highest , toughest pose of warrior poses, it improves balance, posture, and full-body coordination. From the home base Warrior One to Improving pose Warrior Two , now get to the try the hardest pose Warrior Three, you will find yourself actually effortlessly doing the transition, because we started from the easiest, we take our time, pace ourselves and then gradually we are able to achieve the ultimate goal. It is like in life, we all have dreams, goals and plans, those are warrior Three level, we have to start from somewhere, start from where we are comfortable with, from the basics. Simple, easy, little step from day one, with time, we will see our growth is tremendous, without even notice, you already there cheering about your success that the dreams come across your path. Yoga teaches me to pace myself, never rush, be comfortable where I am and one day you will surprise yourself that you can effortlessly do all the advance poses ... Friends, let's start will the basics today, one day, your Warrior Three level dreams will all come true !!!
Happy Yoga Girl "Sunshine" Festive
- 6 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
Sunshine Yoga Store
You can find all the yoga happiness in my wonderful Sunshine store , cheers!
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