Siting here I wonder what she wants, what she would like. As we talk I learn more and put it into my memory bank. After what seems like ages, we agree to meet. Coffee I is at least for her. Myself I will have a cup of tea. We sitnin the corner of the coffee shop. Talking like adults do, small talk then into our interests. From there we talk jobs, family and soon we start to run out of things to say.
I look deep into her eyes and see a twinkle. It's very intriguing and can get a guy in trouble. I smile as she talks, listen to her story, list to her hart.
The topic moves oh so slowly to sex. Which on a first date, a coffee date is odd. I gonwith it hoping that we may have something in common in this department. Even though my experience in this area is limited, my thoughts on the subject are not.
snow man "Mr. Magick" Cheeky
- 1 year, 5 months, 17 days ago