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Crispypup | - Free online hangout and friends
Crispypup owns this human at 10000 points.


Crispypup , 29/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:5:45 AM
Join date:7 years, 9 months, 13 days ago
Location: United States

"The Alpha Pupper"
About me:
About Cripsypup: If you're looking for a doberman then look no further! I'm the best doberman you'll ever meet! I can do tricks, I can guard stuff, and I'm great with kids! Most of the time.. I'm an Alpha dog meaning that I'm in charge. Your home is my home! That couch over there? It belongs to me. Your food? Consider it my food! I've no interest in being owned by anyone I'm not impressed by. I'm a full grown guard dog. Not a puppy like most of these subwoofers around here. I have experience.  I have training. I have standards.  I'm the Alpha here. What do you think that makes you? I'm female, 21, and from the u.s.a I work for the army and have been doing so for a year now. I like casual role play. I'm into puppy play and absolutely love pup play gear that looks more cool than kinky. I do have kinks but you can find out about those later. With these three details you have a pretty solid blue print on me. Consider it a complementary cheat sheet. My zodiac sign: Cancer (moon) My personality type: ENTP I have ADD. That's the end of that portion ~• About Relationships: I'm an attentive lover taking time out to make sure that who I love know that I love them. Aside from that I'm kind of a tease but a sucker for sweet talk. At times I'm clingy and other times I'm a ghost but for that special someone they'll always have a way to reach me. I'm all about sharing my feelings plans and projects with the person I love and also helping out with any projects they've got going on. I'm looking for someone who works well with me. An independent person that isn't devastated when I go ghost. A guy or girl who isn't afraid to me out on my bull shit and snap me back to my senses when I try to ghost too long or too often. Someone that doesn't mind giving me a taste of my own medicine. A unique and motivated person that's all their own.
About you:
Looking for: A lover, an owner, a trainer, a friend. I'd like to meet any of the four~! Pup pals especially! We could start a pack and wrestle! GRRR!
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Unspecified
10000 pts
Crispypup's tales
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I use to have dreams of the kind of life I wanted to live when I grew up.  I use to indulge in those dreams.  Sleeping classes away just to get a glimpse of them. There came a time where simply dreaming about things wasn't enough..
The more i drempt the more frustrated I became. Sleep was once a heavily desired escape from the burdens of reality but it was slowly becoming my torment. It was the equivilant of dangling fresh  meat in front of a starving dog. It drew out my irrationality. I would wake -bolting forward crashing down into reality, heart racing , the visions quickly fading, scrambling out of bed to pace the floors of my home. Dreaming was no longer an option. I needed this to be real.
I came to the conclusion that for anyone to make their dreams come true they needed to have the power, knowledge, and income to do so.
I started with power. Physical and influential.  I needed to be mentally and physically strong and have close connections with as many entrapanuers and professions as I could.

After starting on that path I soon realized that a great deal of charisma and charm comes into play when networking .
Suddenly I became more concerned with my apperance. I took the money I saved for video games and put it towards a more modern line of attire. I started reading books on how to appear confident and forced myself out of my more introverted comfort zone. I practiced the proper pronunciation of commonly slured words and started to expand my vocabulary.

After a while of this I noticed that I came off as intimidating or unaproachable to most and stuck up to others. This was interesting and kind of fun at first but it wasn't my goal. I needed to work along side others to make my dreams a reality. And I needed to stop calling them dreams. Visions, I needed to make my visions into a reality.

So I learned parlour tricks. Familiarize myself with different alcohols and built a tolerance for it.
It's amazing how a conversation over drinks can build bonds and open someone up to new ideas.
Having hobbies unrelated to your job also helps ease tension. It makes a person seem more human.

So here we are today. On my search for motivated individuals that want to make their visions a reality. Building my worldly knowledge and skills through travel and study.
I traveled alongside an infantry troop through Europe. I learned their stories and plans for the future. I met a man that spoke 7 languages, A realtor, a special forces captain, and many others I'll be keeping in touch with. It was an eventful 30 days.

I fly back home today.
I'm so excited to continue work towards my future. This past mission confirms that all my work towards building a more approachable and professional demeanor has been worth the effort.

Someone even mistook me for an officer and saluted me saying that the way I walked gave off a commanding presence. I only smiled and dismissed the notion.  With each new connection, with each new gain, with every new bit of understanding I collect from studies I feel that much closer to making my dreams a reality.

This pass mission was truly inspiring...and  physically painful.

Crispypup "Anax" Inspired - 7 years, 8 months, 8 days ago
I'm going on a mission overseas for about a month. The majority of it will be away from civilization so I might not be around for a while. This is not a deployment sense I'll only be gone for a month. Deployments take years so this shouldn't be too taxing or dangerous. There isn't much more I can say about this assignment. I'll try to come back with all of my paws and ligaments still attached.
Crispypup "Anax" Inspired - 7 years, 9 months, 9 days ago
I'm having the hardest time finding the motivation to clean my room..
Or move...
Apathy sucks..
Crispypup "Anax" Inspired - 7 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
Quick Update:
I have a New new owner and this time they named me "puppers"...
I'm a powerful killing machine named.. puppers...
BARK! FEAR ME FOR MY NAME IS puppers.. yeah.
My guard dog job just got a lot easier.. *sarcasm*
Also my worth has gone from 60pts to 70pts
Crispypup "Anax" Inspired - 7 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
To those of you that aren't quite satisfied with the amount of information given about me here you can fillow my tumblr blog through this link.

In this blog you may find more photos of me in my pup hood and the occasional slice of life events with myself and others.
Got questions you want to ask me anonymously?
Tumblr has an anonymous "asking" function as well. You can literally ask me anything. I'llbe genorous and answer it honestly no matter what it may be.

If this doesn't satiate your curiosity I don't know what will.
Crispypup "Anax" Inspired - 7 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
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Welcome back - :) - - -
anybody home You have been given anybody home.
Crafted by Michelle
Unknown - 7 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
Thriller "My Sexy Man" Content - 7 years, 8 months, 6 days ago
Heh ♡
Lovin' my Pet!❤️ You have been given Lovin' my Pet!❤️ .
Crafted by Lacey
Ahgony "Jumelle" I Bite - 7 years, 8 months, 7 days ago
Bet ya wish you had thisssss
Dragon metal Dog armor 4000 You have been given Dragon metal Dog armor 4000.
Crafted by Unknown
Ahgony "Jumelle" I Bite - 7 years, 8 months, 7 days ago
Wanna wrestle with me? You have been given Wanna wrestle with me?.
Crafted by Unknown
Ahgony "Jumelle" I Bite - 7 years, 8 months, 7 days ago
little feisty kitten
i am sure you can find places and things to do. There are a lot of site where you can explore these
Thanks for being my friend You have been given Thanks for being my friend.
Crafted by Mischievous Little Minx
little feisty kitten "Saintly❤Sinner" Purring - 7 years, 8 months, 8 days ago
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