I use to have dreams of the kind of life I wanted to live when I grew up. I use to indulge in those dreams. Sleeping classes away just to get a glimpse of them. There came a time where simply dreaming about things wasn't enough..
The more i drempt the more frustrated I became. Sleep was once a heavily desired escape from the burdens of reality but it was slowly becoming my torment. It was the equivilant of dangling fresh meat in front of a starving dog. It drew out my irrationality. I would wake -bolting forward crashing down into reality, heart racing , the visions quickly fading, scrambling out of bed to pace the floors of my home. Dreaming was no longer an option. I needed this to be real.
I came to the conclusion that for anyone to make their dreams come true they needed to have the power, knowledge, and income to do so.
I started with power. Physical and influential. I needed to be mentally and physically strong and have close connections with as many entrapanuers and professions as I could.
After starting on that path I soon realized that a great deal of charisma and charm comes into play when networking .
Suddenly I became more concerned with my apperance. I took the money I saved for video games and put it towards a more modern line of attire. I started reading books on how to appear confident and forced myself out of my more introverted comfort zone. I practiced the proper pronunciation of commonly slured words and started to expand my vocabulary.
After a while of this I noticed that I came off as intimidating or unaproachable to most and stuck up to others. This was interesting and kind of fun at first but it wasn't my goal. I needed to work along side others to make my dreams a reality. And I needed to stop calling them dreams. Visions, I needed to make my visions into a reality.
So I learned parlour tricks. Familiarize myself with different alcohols and built a tolerance for it.
It's amazing how a conversation over drinks can build bonds and open someone up to new ideas.
Having hobbies unrelated to your job also helps ease tension. It makes a person seem more human.
So here we are today. On my search for motivated individuals that want to make their visions a reality. Building my worldly knowledge and skills through travel and study.
I traveled alongside an infantry troop through Europe. I learned their stories and plans for the future. I met a man that spoke 7 languages, A realtor, a special forces captain, and many others I'll be keeping in touch with. It was an eventful 30 days.
I fly back home today.
I'm so excited to continue work towards my future. This past mission confirms that all my work towards building a more approachable and professional demeanor has been worth the effort.
Someone even mistook me for an officer and saluted me saying that the way I walked gave off a commanding presence. I only smiled and dismissed the notion. With each new connection, with each new gain, with every new bit of understanding I collect from studies I feel that much closer to making my dreams a reality.
This pass mission was truly inspiring...and physically painful.
Crispypup "Anax" Inspired
- 7 years, 8 months, 8 days ago