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Yeou Jen | - Free online hangout and friends
Rosieposiecat owns this human at 66854 points.

Yeou Jen
Yeou Jen
"Foxy Lady "

Yeou Jen, 33/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:02 PM
Join date:9 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
Location: United Kingdom

"Playful, witty and kind fox. With a bit of a bite."
About me:
Hi, Im Yeou Jen. Not my real name. Yeou just means Fox. I'm from England and enjoy all things creative. I am happily taken in rl and I will not flirt or exchange sexual encounters online. This fox is faithful please respect that. I like to have my foxy ears scratched but please don't touch my tail. Its uncomfortable. Yes i know its bushy that doesn't mean you can touch it. You have been warned. Lets play im bored.
About you:
An owner without the sexual side of things, someone to scratch behind my ear and take care of me. Mostly role play but very happy to chat!
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Unspecified

Louise Thorne
Louise Thorne
100 pts
Yeou's tales
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Yeou Jen
I Have been super busy guys.
So i had to go away for a while?
Did you miss your little fox?
It's ok!
I am back now.
Come play ^^
Yeou Jen "Foxy Lady " Playful - 9 years, 7 months, 8 days ago
Yeou Jen
I have been somewhat of an enigma lately havent i?
Let me explain!

I took up alot of extra hours at work
The internet in the area was cut off for over a week ( i nearly died XD)
I have been crazy busy with wedding plans for my best friends wedding.

It has been absolutly hectic and i havent had change to do much of anything :(
But here i am! I am still here!
I hope you're all well!

In the mean time the only thing new with me is for the past month i have been on a diet and its going pretty damn well!
I have lost quite a bit of weight but isnt it boring talking about this stuff!
Ill stop.
Keep in touch guys xxx
Your foxy misses you!
Yeou Jen "Foxy Lady " Playful - 9 years, 9 months, 12 days ago
Yeou Jen
I know some of you are from the Uk and the rest of the EU so you will understand this tale or simply sneer at it in distaste. The subject of such a tale?
The Eurovision song contest.
Yes im going there. An annual event that is televised on the BBC and every other country in the EU and i even know of some Americans and Canadians that enjoy streaming it online.
For those that don't know this is the EU countries battling it out in song. Every contestant on the show represents their country. They are not to be a popular selling artist so you know...No elton john, lady gaga or anyone remotely famous. I suppose the only famous person on it is the man who translates and commentates (graham norton). The countries all preform their entries and at the end each country votes for their favourites. their first getting 12 points and the worst of the best getting 1. The rest get 0. This used to be the pride and joy of the EU until the voting system turned somewhat political. Naturally everyone hates the English and we more often than not come last. Recently, in the past few years, the voting system changed and everyone complained about it. It worked for a year but it seems there is a still political aspect to it, causing countries to vote for their neighbour. (high five Ireland!) Although i should be outraged that our country is always shoved to last i really cant be because lets face it....More often than not our entries are down right shit.
Now usually every year me and my friends play our own game along to the eurovision song contest and i wanted to share it in-case anyone wanted to make an event of it themselves. So here goes.

You all draw countries out of a hat untill all the countries are assigned to a person. (if you have very few people you can have more than one country) You print off a score sheet and as you watch the preformances you all take turns at rating each country on the following.

-Dancing and visuals
-Overall proformance

You give them a rating out of ten. When all the preformances have finished you complie the results. These are the winners we tend to use. (the prizes are usually really cheap silly prizes like bubbles or a bar of chocolate)

-Best score for outfit
-Best score for visuals
-Best score for song
-Best score for overall proformance
-Winner overall
-Loser overall
-Real winner of the Eurovision
-Real loser of the Eurovision

If a country wins more than one it get's handed to the second winner. This way you never really know if you have won a prize and everyone has an enjoyable evening.

This year we are unable to play the game along with watching the Eurovision but i can assure you i will be watching it because lets fact it. Its amazing. I get new songs to download, the proformances can be really bloody funny and wierd and it is overall entertaining.

I hope you all have an excellent weekend!
Yeou Jen "Foxy Lady " Playful - 9 years, 9 months, 28 days ago
Yeou Jen
I was at work and thinking of all of you. Working hard or hardly working hehe
Yeou Jen
Yeou Jen "Foxy Lady " Playful - 9 years, 10 months, 6 days ago
Yeou Jen
Bright eyed and bushy tailed! What a relief!
Yeou Jen "Foxy Lady " Playful - 9 years, 10 months, 15 days ago
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perfect solution You have been given perfect solution.
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Rosieposiecat "Pussy Galore" Serene - 9 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
Malaysian Pet Andre

A Nice Pair You have been given A Nice Pair.
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Malaysian Pet Andre "Staying Alive " πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰ Happy New Year πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³ - 9 years, 10 months, 2 days ago
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