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Chika V | - Free online hangout and friends
Chika V
Chika V owns this human at 105000 points.

Chika V
Chika V

Chika V, 38/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:15 AM
Join date:10 years, 5 months, 7 days ago
Location: Illinois United States

"I'm a fluffy puppy, and I demand belly rubs!"
About me:
Stumbling awkwardly somewhere between furry and kin, those who get to know the real me find out how much of a pooch I really am on the inside. I've said I'm a wolf for a long time now, but I've come to realize that that's just like a little dog barking pretending it's ferocious - closest I'd ever be is a wolf-dog hybrid, probably, really, just a mutt. I like eating rare steak with my bare hands and rolling around on clean, carpeted floors. Getting walked on a leash is pretty fun, too, though only some people are ballsy enough to do it in public. I also like to chew.. on shoulders, fingers, palms, feet, hair, etc. I'd blame it on my oral fixation from smoking too much, but it's been a thing since I was really really little and gnawing on the wooden furniture + the stair railing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Random Crap I Like: Anime (Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Dead Leaves, Serial Experiments Lain, Cowboy Bebop, Guilty Crown, Princess Tutu, Madoka Magica, Sword Art Online, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Read or Die) .. World of Darkness games (Vampire: The Masquerade + Werewolf: The Apocalypse), Pokemon, Second Life, Writing shitty poetry, Tumblr, Experimenting with how many interesting delicious things I can do with ramen noodles, Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Game of Thrones, Fringe, Criminal Minds, Heroes, Battlestar Galactica, Invader Zim, House, Dollhouse, Firefly, Continuum, Whiskey, Heroes of Fantasy, Furry Art, Sweedish Fish, Milky Ways, Cheeseburgers, Sushi, 100 Grand, Chicken in a Biscuit, Tasty Dip, BACON, Avocado, Ice Cream, Jelly Babies, Mountain Dew, Surge, Cream Soda, Eating awkwardly with chopsticks, Wearing a curly fry in my nose and pretending I'm a bull, Eating mulberries straight off the tree even though they have tiny bugs crawling around inside the spaces of the fruit, Howling, Back Rubs, a plethora of music that would take way too long to list, Haunted Houses, Snuggling with adorable kittens, Domino's Chicken Pizza with White Garlic Sauce, Beef Stew, Taco Sauce, Trailer Park Boys, Morton's List, Sabriel, Watership Down, Ginger Snaps, Zombieland, Balto, Hocus Pocus, The Pagemaster, Pickles, Pumpkin Pie, Artichokes, Sweet Peppers, Shrimp, Peppered Salmon, Oranges + Orange Juice, Binturongs, Opossums, Dogs, Wolves, Werewolves, Minotaurs, Lobsters, Thunderstorms, (old school) My Little Ponies, Smurfs, Blueberry Bagels w/ Strawberry Cream Cheese, Everything Bagels, Japanese Pan Noodles, Garlic, Garlic and More Garlic.
About you:
I have a really awesome, wonderful girlfriend, who I plan on keeping around, preferably forever. However, we're sorta open, she's poly and I'm just kinda bounding around and going with the flow ~ meaning I'm totally up for friends with benefits and the like (or just someone to flirt awkwardly with and then go hide for a couple weeks after they finally return said flirtations). I play a lot of really nerdy games.. like.. pokemon.. wajas.. and neopets.. and subeta.. second life, earth eternal project zomboid.. stuff like that. Lots of bonus points for you if you are the same kind of nerd that I am.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds: Nerds are Sexy, Careful...... We Bite, Furries, After Dark, World of Darkness, *Bi and Lesbian Girls*
Chika V
Chika V
105000 pts

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Gwendolyn Alison marie
9908 pts

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1050 pts

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I brought you a flower! You have been given I brought you a flower!.
Crafted by Wild Angel
Hei "My Amazing pet" Like a monster - 8 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
I thought you left this place..
happy to see you
*poKed* You have been given *poKed*.
Crafted by Mari
Miss_Fabulous "נפלאה" I am what I am - 10 years, 16 days ago
you're awesome.. :D
you're so cute! You have been given you're so cute!.
Crafted by K
Miss_Fabulous "נפלאה" I am what I am - 10 years, 2 months, 20 days ago
I'm here to give you some lovin's :D

Always happy to find you on me page
tickle monster! You have been given tickle monster!.
Crafted by K
Miss_Fabulous "נפלאה" I am what I am - 10 years, 2 months, 20 days ago
yay! you came back!
i was thinking you were dead or something..
caused by lack of belly rubs :P

happy to see you as always
hysterical happiness ... You have been given hysterical happiness ....
Crafted by Miss_Fabulous
Miss_Fabulous "נפלאה" I am what I am - 10 years, 2 months, 22 days ago
sounds like your weekend will be filled with good times... not much doing here for me... too cold to even step outside so I will be staying inside warm and snuggly
Have a rocken weekend! You have been given Have a rocken weekend!.
Crafted by Unknown
Soulshine "Soul" boo deleted :) - 10 years, 2 months, 23 days ago
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Chika's shop

There's probably a little bit of everything in here.. or nothing at all.

I'm gonna eat you up <3
1 use

300 pts
I'm gonna eat you up &lt;3
Bought by 3 people
Me? Stealing your cookies? No..
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200 pts
Me? Stealing your cookies? No..
Bought by 6 people
You're just like a dream
1 use

200 pts
You're just like a dream
Bought by 4 people
Chicken Dance
1 use

200 pts
Chicken Dance
Bought by 3 people
Erotic Chicken
1 use

200 pts
Erotic Chicken
Bought by 6 people
(●´ω`●) Sweet Donation
1 use

9999 pts
(●´ω`●) Sweet Donation
Bought by 2 people
that look in your eyes
1 use

200 pts
that look in your eyes
Bought by 8 people
let me be your big bad wolf
1 use

300 pts
let me be your big bad wolf
Bought by 17 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 12 people
Yummy Bunny Ramen!
1 use

200 pts
Yummy Bunny Ramen!
Bought by 4 people

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