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Miss Tasty Vixen
"Bonita Vixen!"

Miss Tasty Vixen, 52/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:01 PM
Join date:10 years, 8 months, 25 days ago
Location: Edmonton Canada

"Creamy vanilla with developing shades of grey :)"
About me:
Not entirely looking for anything. Just feeling my way through this virtual world called Humanpets. Open to conversing with like minded and intelligent beings who don't always think with their lower appendages. Unless they want me to think with their lower appendages for them. Looking for someone who is relatively experienced in obeying and providing submissive entertainment online for the time being.
About you:
Genuine, and down to earth is a must. NO god complexes please.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
9186 pts

630 pts

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Miss's tales
Miss Tasty Vixen
oh my goodness.... getting caught up reading a novel until 4am last night sure is coming back to bite me in the arse!! I AM EXHAUSTED! (was a good book and it has been so long since I've read a book.... my inability to put a book down and these late late nights would be the reason I stopped reading so much!!! lol)

Anyways.... I'm so hoping the sandman visits me very soon! I hope all of my lovely new HP friends had a wonderful day :)

ps...... you can't see me!!! (lol wouldn't want to with these bloodshot tired old eyes!!)
Miss Tasty Vixen
Miss Tasty Vixen "Bonita Vixen!" Adored - 10 years, 8 months, 7 days ago
Miss Tasty Vixen
This tale was written for me and it warrants a place on my personal tale's rather than being lost within the comments on my page. The author was pretty damn accurate with his description of me.

Miss Tasty Vixen

Miss Tasty Vixen appears to be a friendly enough individual with a sharp intellect and an inquiring mind, this is purely my observation of her. In terms of physical appearance she has bluey green eyes, freckled cheeks and well proportioned mouth and nose. I have never met her in real life so I could not tell you much more than that but she has photos on her page which show that she has a voluptuous figure and she knows how to use what she has to her advantage whether it be her looks, her charm, her intellect or her presence.

She wants to explore and inquire at her own pace, follow whims as she chooses and meet people who can hold a half decent conversation with her. I sense that if a man is only going to come out with a load of nonsense about either how pretty she is or how horny he is then he should hold his tongue, that way he will last longer at trying to hold her attention. Miss Tasty Vixen knows how pretty, attractive and intelligent she is, she does not need to be reminded. She uses these talents everyday.

As an example of how she uses her guile she won an auction from me the other day to have a thousand word tale dedicated to her about any subject she liked. She caught me off guard by asking me to write about me and not in the kind of way like you would if you were writing the personal statement in a resume applying for your dream job. The tale I gave her pleased her, hopefully she saw that I was not just a man who thinks with my lower appendages, though I can and do often think on my feet.

Miss Tasty Vixen is human though and if you read her tales you understand why I have previously referred to her as Miss Toasty Vixen. The freckles on her cheeks betray a fair skin complexion and she very bravely posted photos of her sunburn. She is a braver woman than me, as I too have a fair skin complexion but I keep covered up in the sun. During the brief time I have known her I have found out more about her than she has told me, hopefully showing that I too have guile and cunning when I need it.

“Creamy Vanilla with developing shades of grey :)” reads her tagline here on Human Pets, whilst she may have a pale skin and tasty looks Miss Tasty Vixen in no way reflects a traditional flavour of ice cream. I suspect that she is developing her own fifty shades of grey, at this stage “looking for someone who is relatively experienced in obeying and providing submissive entertainment online for the time being”. I am guessing this is not just deliberately letting her win every single game of online Scrabble she ever plays with such a person. Creamy Vanilla who likes to be in charge hmmm

Some of the things which Miss Tasty Vixen dreams about are actually the same things I dream about, we both have vivid dreams but dream them from very different perspectives. I doubt we dream the same dreams that would just be spooky and besides her mind is seemingly much sharper than mine. She will probably be reading this with the merciless eye of an editor, identifying which parts are waffle and which parts are properly written out. Everything about Miss Tasty Vixen appears to be thought out or at least thought about.

Going back to her profile on here, she is seeking friendship and dating. Who would she date? A submissive man with a good figure and a conscious mind, but one who could also be a big man and dominate a situation if he had to. Most people admittedly would happily settle for ‘a loyal partner with a good figure and a conscious mind’, one wonders quite how hard finding such a specimen would be on a planet of 6 billion people but it is much harder than it sounds. I’m not generally an obedient person so if/when I were ever to be submissive it would be a very wilful and deliberate choice, though I am very good at deliberately losing at Scrabble if that is any help.

Miss Tasty Vixen is more likely to find friendship on Human Pets than a perfect date and friendship comes in many forms. As I think about what type of person could be her friend the word ‘discernment’ springs to mind, if she is your friend she will have thought about it and thought about you.

There is a lot more to her than meets the superficial eye, for me once I had got past the hypnotic eyes, the cunning smile and sexy cleavage I began to wonder about her name. Her name does fit her very well but I doubt it is the name on her birth certificate. If I were to think of a different name for this woman it would be a cross over between a sexy siren who would lure men seductively into her grasp and a hypnotist who could entrance men to willingly do whatever she told them to. How does ‘hypnosis – siren’, ‘hypnosiren’ sound? At first hearing it sounds a bit like a made up superhero from the Invincibles cartoon movie, Miss HypnoSiren, but the more I think about it, Miss Tasty Vixen does have these superpowers so why not? In the cartoon version she would have hypnotic eyes, a cunning smile, voluptuous curves, a sharp wit anyway, and she has these things in real life. All she needs now is a mask and a superhero outfit, a cape maybe (not if it is the Invincibles though, capes are not good). She is definitely more Sexy-Ass than Kick Ass, for the sake of padding out my word count, she definitely has Cl-Ass! Sorry, I couldn’t resist it. I’d best stop there.

Miss Tasty Vixen "Bonita Vixen!" Adored - 10 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
Miss Tasty Vixen
Well the tournament is over. I did much better today thanks to the large golf umbrella purchased last night. Still quite itchy and painful but thankfully no further burns :)
Miss Tasty Vixen Miss Tasty Vixen
Miss Tasty Vixen "Bonita Vixen!" Adored - 10 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Miss Tasty Vixen
Soccer tournament weekend! Two games down, two to go! REALLY regretting that I forgot to put sunscreen on today :(

Taking the kids to see How to Train Your Dragon 2 tonight... should be a fun time :)

I hope all my new HP friends are having a good weekend... much <3
Miss Tasty Vixen
Miss Tasty Vixen "Bonita Vixen!" Adored - 10 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
Miss Tasty Vixen
New to HP and checking things out.... curious why I'm the only one on this chat page..... am I doing something wrong?!?!
Miss Tasty Vixen "Bonita Vixen!" Adored - 10 years, 8 months, 25 days ago

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A kiss 4 u You have been given A kiss 4 u.
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Wolverine "Rey de Oro " Wild - 9 years, 11 months, 7 days ago
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Miss's shop
Tasty's Treasures

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It's not at all about the sex!
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