I'm so upset that you're gone... You promised you'd ALWAYS be there... You broke your promise... And I'm so mad... Mad at you for leaving me... And mad at myself for being mad at you... I need you... More than ever. You were that missing piece and I need you.
- 10 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
Last night you were in my dreams... Last night I was with you... You were watching over me... And you were touching my soul... I know it was you... I know you were with me, I felt that happiness that I haven't known in such a long time... That happiness I felt every time I was with you... I was overwhelmed with happiness... Until I realized it was just a dream... I miss you so much... You're my every thought... My every reason to live... But at the same time... I can't wait to be with you... To join you... I know that I will be with you in the end... And I couldn't be more ready for that...
- 11 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
Rest Easy my love... you'll always be with me.
- 11 years, 1 month, 16 days ago