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Ethosulex | - Free online hangout and friends
IMM0RTALIZED K'A0S owns this human at 2000000 points.


Ethosulex , 30/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:3:45 PM
Join date:11 years, 4 months, 20 days ago
Location: Nowhereville, Florida United States

"The Lady of the Harvest's time is drawing close."
About me:
You wish for me to tell you about myself? 'Tis not a thing of greatness, nor something to be regaled by. My story 'tis a simple one. I've known from the time that I 'twas but a wee lass that I would become the Goddess of the Harvest. Greater than even the greek goddess, Demeter; for I rule over all the harvest deities. As such, I never ventured much into other things. This is my destiny, and it is one I embrace wholeheartedly. I hope that mayhap the day is coming nigh when I shall rule next to my other half, the God of the Harvest, who's name I know not. If you wish to know more about myself, I bid you to simply inquire of it from me. I don't bite...much.
About you:
I beseec each and every one of you, do not purchase me from IMMORTALIZED K'A0S as I will escape back into his loving arms once more. I will not be happy about it and will in fact let you know about my discomfort. fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - online quizzes

If you are the type of person whom is descriptive in their posts, online at least three times a week, and love to role play; then I believe I have the heard for you! It is a fantasy-based role play under the name of "Through the Looking Glass". All I require for entry is an example post of your role plays via a message. Please look into it and join!
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi

1049 pts
you say you want a riot
50 pts
Ethosulex's tales
Does anyone even get on here anymore???
Ethosulex "MYNE MiK@sA NFS" Naughty - 3 years, 7 months, 21 days ago
Nobody here actually knows me, which is why I'm saying this here, I suppose. I don't really want to burden anyone with this, but I fear if I don't say anything I may self-destruct. This message may come out as selfish, even childish, I'm not sure, but here goes.
I don't understand how people who are supposed to love and care for you can be so cold and cruel. No matter how hard you try, it's never really enough. They never are truly satisfied. I try and I try, I do whatever you ask of me without complaint. You say, "Jump" and I don't ask how high I just do it. The only thing I really ask from you are cigarettes and, on an occassion, books. And a lot of the times I don't even get the latter. I feel as though I'm not wanted except as a live-in nanny. I shouldn't feel like that. You're my second mom and my real mom just goes along with whatever you say, never contradicting you. I'm sick and tired of feeling used!
I suppose another reason I'm writing this is because I don't want to start cutting again. It cannot become an escape, never again. At one time it was the only thing that could make me feel human, and lot like a piece of trash laying on the side of the street. I don't really feel worthy of living. No, I'm not contemplating suicide, I'm far too much of a coward to try that.
I feel stifled and suffocated. I'm considered an adult by American law, yet you guys don't treat me as such. I'm nineteen years old and I feel like a ten year old because you treat me like that. I have to walk on eggshells around you, and that's ridiculous. You're family. You've always told me that whenever I'm mad or upset at you to tell you, yet whenever I do you go off the deep end!
I need to find my place where I truly belong and am truly happy. That place obviously isn't here. I have no idea where it is, but I hope I find it soon, before my demons take over and I do or say something that I know I'll regret.
Perhaps I should tell you a little bit about myself to help you understand how it is that I am feeling so dejected. I however, don't want to feel like I'm tooting my own horn. I'm sure many of my family, and the few friends that I used to have, think I have a lot of self-esteem, but I don't. It's just an act. I'm not a confident person, I have a temper, one I've learned to keep under tight control. I don't like taking for myself, and I hate being mean to people, even people I really don't like. I think too much of what people's opinions of me are, and I take a lot of things to heart, even when I shouldn't.
I feel as though I'm drowning and that everytime I get but a few inches from breaking the surface and taking in the glorious air I get pulled back down. I think I'll take back what I said about you being cold and cruel. I don't think you realize you're doing what you are. I love you so much Lacy (Name changed), and I know you love me like a daughter, but you can't get offended at every little thing.
I may say something out of concern and you totally twist my words around. You think that you understand me, know what's going on in my head, but you don't. I don't think you ever will. Just like I don't think you'll ever trully accept me, either of you. In order to do that, you have to accept all of me; including my bisexuality and my choice to be Wiccan. I don' think you'l ever be able to, though.
Wow....that is a lot longer than I thought it would be, and I didn't even swear, heh. Again, I apologize to all of you for dumping my emotional garbage on you, but I needed to tell someone about it.
Ethosulex "MYNE MiK@sA NFS" Naughty - 11 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
'Tis a recurring dream I've been having for nigh on six years now, I do not understand what it may mean.

It begins as a sunny day, the warmth of the rays beating upon my skin as I float above the clouds upon grey wings. To my right there is a man with coal black hair, eyes, and wings. To my left is another man who could be his twin, except where the first man is black, he is white. They begin to battle. I seem to know instinctively that they were fighting over me. At first it would vary who would win, and whoever did, my wings would become that color. Eventually a woman appeared towards the end of the battle. She is absolutely stunning with caramel colored skin, golden blonde hair that reaches her waist in ringlets and eyes as clear as glass. She, too, has wings; of a golden variety. She then proceeds to kill them by shooting a bolt of lightning from her palms and speaking the words "Leave my daughter alone." she then takes me to the enormous house made of white marble. Everything on thing is white with gold trim inside. She turns towards me and opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. She looks down at her chest where a large, curved dagger is sticking from. She falls over, her lifeless eyes staring up at the ceiling. Behind her is a masked woman, she pulls off the mask and I realize that it is me. "We are what we are made to be. What must be done, will be." says the person who looks like me. I then wake up.

Originally, that wasn't the whole dream. As the years have passed more and more have been added until it ended up like this. It's been this way for the past two years or so.
Ethosulex "MYNE MiK@sA NFS" Naughty - 11 years, 3 months, 15 days ago

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Happy Birthday!
Christopher James Glowik " Treasured Soul" Loving - NFS - 1 year, 7 months, 20 days ago
LadY HeatheN

sweet dreams & moonbeams You have been given sweet dreams & moonbeams.
Crafted by Mr Wolf
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 3 years, 6 months, 23 days ago
LadY HeatheN

Passionfruit Topped Cheesecake You have been given Passionfruit Topped Cheesecake.
Crafted by Naughty Neill
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 3 years, 6 months, 23 days ago
LadY HeatheN

Stopped by to say hello You have been given Stopped by to say hello.
Crafted by Calya Anarinya
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 3 years, 6 months, 23 days ago
Vampishly decadent birthday wishes to thee mine darling one
♥With my very best wishes♥ You have been given ♥With my very best wishes♥.
Crafted by Danny
IMM0RTALIZED K'A0S "Myne Darling One" 🖤FREAK SHOW🖤 - 3 years, 7 months, 21 days ago

Jack Frost martini ◕‿◕ You have been given Jack Frost martini ◕‿◕.
Crafted by Unknown
IMM0RTALIZED K'A0S "Myne Darling One" 🖤FREAK SHOW🖤 - 3 years, 7 months, 21 days ago
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Ethosulex's shop
Harvest Time

The time for Harvest is coming nigh, prepare thy self.

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Fruits of the Harvest
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200 pts
Fruits of the Harvest
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Harvest Goddess
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Harvest Goddess
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Harvest Deities
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Harvest Deities
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Harvest God
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400 pts
Harvest God
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Harvest Moon
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200 pts
Harvest Moon
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Big Donation
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Big Donation
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Slight Donation
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1000 pts
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