Searing pain.
As if something were holding a hot poker to her heart.
It was scalding.
She could feel her skin turning red.
Then black.
Could smell the smoke rising from her flesh.
Lenore tore through the miasma of sleep,
Forced herself to wake.
Wake up!
Wake up!
It was like being suffocated and torn apart at the same time.
There was a crash and then a scream.
Her eyes flew open.
She had to find her, find her daughter.
Her dear Sakura.
Then there was a flash, and a red rose opened up on her chest,
Staining her white robe,
Blooming before her daughters very eyes.
Said a voice of six.
That was her daughter.
Screamed a voice of thirty- five.
That was Launette, her beloved.
She sank to her knees clutching her chest.
'I am sorry i failed you my love,'
That she said to Launette.
'Dearest daughter, do not cry, everything will be alright...'
That she said to her daughter.
There was a click,
And then a bang.
Sandalphon hath fallen.
Noises dimmed, lights flickered.
All Sakura could see was the red rose,
so beautifully blooming on her mother's chest.
Before her eye's Sandalphon hath fallen.
This small child of six.
She closed her eyes against the screams below.
Against the sound of her father falling to the floor.
Her eyes, she kept closed, until she smelled smoke.
She gasped.
Her eyes flew open.
The heat was searing.
The smoke burning at her lungs.
She ran without a backward glance at her parents.
Then she was outside.
The gold leaves were a mirror to the fingers of flame caressing the window frames,
Soothing the doors.
The silver frost an echo of smoke.
Ash fell like snowflakes,
Coating her hair,
And clothes.
The darkness naught but a glitter stained her vision.
The ash fell like snow upon her.
The ashes of her home.
Of her Father.
Of her Mother.
The ashes of Sandalphon,
She wore them for days.
Her sweet mother.
The angel of silence.
Who did not utter a scream.
The fallen.
She bolted awake.
It was all just a dream.
Leo "NO SHE IS MINE" Playful
- 11 years, 9 months, 28 days ago