Hoping that I will be able to log in every couple days but the work is piling up so I might not be around much. Lack of sleep is catching up to me haha. Wish you all the best.
daimien "Rock Star " Naughty
- 12 years ago
Decided to start selling my artwork for money again gah its painful sometimes to let pieces go after working on them for weeks to months. But sadly memories are not going to pay the bills so off my artistic children go into the big bad world.
daimien "Rock Star " Naughty
- 12 years, 1 day ago
Found an old photo of me that kinda made me smirk a bit, answers somewhat what kind of music I'm into can you guess :P well this type and pretty much everything else but a solid chunk of my music collection anyway.
daimien "Rock Star " Naughty
- 12 years, 7 days ago
Been contemplating my place and the world and the world itself lately. Its an odd feeling, a disorienting feeling even to realize I am no longer sure how I fit in it anymore how to relate to the people around me. I have no idea how to fit back into my old life as a single man nor do I know where I want to go future wise other than just finish school. I think maybe its time to return to writing and find some motivation to do more indepth art. I just dont know anymore hopefully in the days to come I will find an answer.
daimien "Rock Star " Naughty
- 12 years, 8 days ago
Tonights big drawing from hanging out in HP chat with Shiny and gang. Liked how it turned out.
daimien "Rock Star " Naughty
- 12 years, 9 days ago