About me:
Hi!, i am a dog boy, collie mix, but my Owner could give me another breed.Like poodles and jack russells too!. i am 31 inches high, 5 foot 8 on hind legs. 158 pounds, br. eyes, shaggy dark blonde hair, furry chest and belly. i will lick Your hand, face, feet, toes and all Your shoes, sneakers and boots!. i have had some handling, but need a kind but firm Handler to teach it basic commands. i have learned on my own to pick up and drop a small ball. More than anything i want to be able to catch a ball in my mouth!. Would like a dog to Handler/Owner/Lover relationship IF Master wishes!. A Chinese Master named me 'sam', but like 'avatar', 'adidas', 'spot', 'lucky', and 'fubu' like the HOT Blatino Men wear!.
About you:
Serious Handler wanted!. 18-40, shorter than it [me], long hair a big turn on!. Would like to be owned as a part time pet by a Mexican, Central American, Asian, Indian, Blatino , Pacific Islander or White.